Since our forming years we have seen friends go to jail, we have suffered scrapes, bruises, state harassment and spying, but yet we are still here and are still active. We have outlasted any rival crew that has existed in this city since our inception. It has always been our dedication, brains, strategy, anonymity, and eventually our experience that helped lead us to constant victories over those who in some instances were more physically intimidating. Over the past year we have continued to expose and confront the fascists and white supremacists who have tried to rebuild or form a new and we will continue to do so. Thanks to everyone who is or has been a part of south side ARA. Thanks to all who have supported us.
Sunday, November 23, 2014
A Half Decade of South Side Chicago ARA
Monday, November 17, 2014
Anonymous Doxxes Ferguson-Area KKK Members, Hacks KKK Twitter Account
Frank Ancona and cronies |
The Ku Klux Klan got the Anonymous treatment over the weekend after they threatened protestors in Ferguson, Mo. with "lethal force." In response, the online hacker group donned their digital cape, took over the group's twitter account and posted an image of a Klansman hanging from a noose. Then the doxxing began.
As news reports swirl that the Grand Jury may release their decision on Monday in the case of Officer Darren Wilson fatally shooting Michael Brown, the KKK thought it'd be cool to pretend like they were in The Ghosts of Mississippi. One guy named Franck Ancona, according to Raw Story, even handed out fliers calling the protestors "terrorists" and boasting "We will use lethal force as provided under Missouri law to defend ourselves." In true Klan fashion, Acona, who is a part of the Traditionalist American Knights of the KKK, said he had to take action because white folks were under "attack."
In response, Anonymous posted photos and home addresses of a few local St. Louis Klansmen. The Klan complained about an "invasion of privacy" and took to Twitter to say that Anonymous was an harmless organization. Anonymous probably got tired of their whining and just took over the hate group's Twitter account on Saturday with the following tweet.
At press time, the group is still controlling the KKK's Twitter account, and followers are rolling in, which I'm not sure is the best outcome.
Bigger question: why doesn't the KKK use 2-step authentication? Amateur mistake.
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
Canadian Noize Punk Act Schizophasia Plays Awesome Prank on Nazi Label Deathangle Absolution
Read their statement below:
Beware such scene parasites as ''DEATHANGLE ABSOLUTION RECORDS''. They are a neo-nazi record label formally known under the names ''SATANIC SKINHEAD PROPAGANDA'' and ''AUDIAL DECIMATION''. Most of their catalog is NSBM or racist power electronics but now they are trying to move into releasing punk. It came as a surprise that label-boss Antichrist Kramer asked Schizophasia to release a record on his label. Being the pranksters that we are, we agreed and then proceeded to record a ten-track anti nazi record masked by undecipherable vocal effects and hidden by way of our tradition of writing our song titles in Arabic. Schizophasia has no hatred for any race, sexual orientation, gender or anything of the sort. Schizophasia fully supports confronting racism, homophobia, sexism (to be consistent with your previous 3-point enumeration) and ideologies which advocate for any totalitarian regime. The black triangle with a black bar on the front cover of the LP is the symbol that anarchists were made to wear in Nazi Germany concentration camps. Had antichrist Kramer brushed up on his history instead of jerking off to the idea of the next race war, he would have noticed that we were up to something. We call out to people not to buy releases from these labels and to actively boycott any Neo-Nazi bands and labels. Don't purchase this record, unless directly from the band! All proceeds collected by SCHIZOPHASIA will be donated to anti-racist and anti-fascist work. THE JOKE IS ON YOU ANTICHRIST KRAMER/DEATHANGLE ABSOLUTION RECORDS. LONG LIVE ROCK N' ROLL! LONG LIVE FREEDOM! DEATH TO FASCISM! DEATH TO NAZIS!
Monday, September 15, 2014
Reportback from the 2014 TORCH Antifa Conference in Chicago
Lyons and Michael Staudenmaier gave great presentations followed by Q&A. There were tons of groups present such as the War Zone distro, Black Rose, and IWW tabling with literature and merchandise. Groups within the TORCH network were also tabling and had tons of anti-racist t-shirts, some of which were completely free. By about 7:30 Mandatory Abortions kicked off the show followed by La Armada, Krang, Wartorn, Wrathcobra, and ATU. At the end of the night hundreds of dollars were made to support antifascist political prisoners.
The night went on with no disruption from the fascists or the state and the 2014 TORCH conference was a huge success. Thank you too all the bands, speakers, organizations, and individuals who came out to support. A special thanks to the Chicago May 1st Anarchist Alliance and the Black Rose Anarchist Federation for sponsoring the event. South Side ARA has spent the past 5 years smashing fascism in our state and elsewhere and will continue to do so.
Fuck fascism! Fuck racism!
- South side ARA of the TORCH Network
Monday, August 25, 2014
The TORCH Networks First Annual Conference
5pm - speakers/workshops- This portion of our public day will be donation based. No one turned away.
Speakers and their workshop descriptions:
Matthew N Lyons
from the Three way fight blog
“Taking the game away from the left”
One of fascism’s most dangerous features is its ability to present itself as radical or even revolutionary. From Third Position anti-capitalism to Nazi ecology, from National-Anarchism to the slogan “Women’s Power as well as White Power,” far rightists have embraced many leftist ideas in distorted form. What are some leading examples of this dynamic today and where do they come from? To what extent is this empty posturing, and to what extent does it reflect real conflict between fascism and the established order? What kind of challenges does it pose for antifascist work?
Michael Staudenmaier
Michael Staudenmaier will discuss the intersection between anti-imperialism and anti-fascism in the context of the Puerto Rican independence movement in Chicago during the late 1970s and early 1980s. This was a period of intense activity in the independence movement, including clandestine armed struggle and internationalist solidarity with other radical anti-colonial movements. It was also a period of resurgence for the far right both in the US and Latin America, by the Klan, by military dictatorships in places like Chile, and by right-wing politicians in Puerto Rico itself. My paper reviews this history and suggests some lessons for the present moment.
7pm -show starts- This portion of the conference will be 10$
WARTORN (Metal punx from WI on Southern Lord records)
WRATHCOBRA (D-Beat metal punk from PGH)
KRANG (crustards from Chicago)
LA ARMADA (Chicago hardcore punk)
SICK SAD WORLD (Chicago hardcore punk w/ a horn)
1 More TBA
There will be tables throughout the show with literature and merchandise
@Chitown Futbol
2343 S. Throop, Chicago, Illinois
Benefit for political prisoners!
Endorsed by the May 1st Anarchist Alliance CHICAGO and the Black Rose/ Rosa Negra anarchist federation.
Interested in playing, tabling etc?
Prison Release Fund for Jason Sutherlin of TP5
In May 2012 five antifascists were arrested and, in early 2013, took non-cooperating plea deals for 3 felonies each for taking part in emphatically stopping a meeting of white supremacists organizing under the guise of the Illinois European Heritage Association at a restaurant in Tinley Park, IL. For more information, see
Jason Sutherlin is the LAST of the five to be released, rejoining us in early September. Bloomington ABC , NYC ABC , Denver ABC, and Sacramento Prisoner Support have launched a campaign to start a release fund for Jason. By the time Jason is released he'll have been locked up for almost 2.5 years, will have a felony record, and certain things just won't be the same. Lets help him make a smooth transition! Lets raise some money and secure a release fund that will welcome him upon his release. Your donations will help Jason pay costs of living and support his family while he gets back on his feet.
If you'd like to write to Jason to let him know you're thinking of him and that you're glad he's getting out soon, I'm sure he'd love to hear from you. His current address is as follows:
Jason Sutherlin M34023
100 Hillcrest Road
East Moline, IL 61244
In Solidarity,
Bloomington ABC, NYC ABC, Denver ABC, Sacramento Prisoner Support
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
Klan Heading to Ferguson to ‘Guard White Businesses'
Ku Klux Klan (KKK) members from three different states are reportedly traveling to Ohio to hold a two-day fundraiser for the officer who shot unarmed teen Michael Brown, and to “guard white businesses."
The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) first reported last week that that the New Empire Knights of the Ku Klux Klan had begun raising money in support of the Ferguson police officer who killed Brown.
On Friday, the New Empire Knights announced that it would be holding a fundraiser on August 23-24 in Sullivan, about 60 miles from Ferguson.
“With the police state in Ferguson, we will be holding our fundraiser in Sullivan City, MO,” the announcement said. “Donations of $10 and up. All money will go to the cop who did his job against the negro criminal.”
New Empire Knights Imperial Wizard Charles Murray said in the comments section of the group’s website that the event was “being attended by 3 different Klan fractions.”
And to anyone thinking of trying to get in the way, Murray warned, “we have guns (and more).”
“We are raising money for a cop who shot a n*gger criminal,” he explained.
In a statement on Monday, Sullivan Mayor Thomas Leasor said that the city had seen reports about the KKK’s plans.
“City elected officials nor City staff is aware of the specific location for the gathering or have any details regarding the event,” the statement said. “On behalf of the City of Sullivan elected officials and City staff I want to emphasize that we have not, or will not, endorse or condone any activity based on hatred, more specifically any activity based on hatred towards any ethnicity.”
Murray, whose group is based in Abbeville, SC, clarified to Sullivan Independent News that the event being held next weekend should not be considered a “rally.”
”We are not holding a rally. We are having a fundraiser,” Murray said. ” Members of ours have been selling items online also. All funds are going to [the officer].”
On Monday, the New Empire Knights issued a statement about plans to “guard white businesses near Ferguson.”
“With blacks out of control, we have our Missouri Realm going to areas near Ferguson,” the statement said. “We can’t have blacks robbing and murdering innocent whites. I am on my way down along with members from three different states and members from the Southern Mountain Knights.”
Thursday, July 31, 2014
Reportback: Day of Solidarity With Jock Palefreeman/ July 31st Day of Action
On July 31st, in conjunction with the day of solidarity for Jock as well as the annual July 31st day of action against fascism and racism, antifascists all across the city helped in a sticker campaign promoting support for Palefreeman. 200 stickers were placed all around the city that read "Fuck Fascism Fuck Racism" with a link to Jocks website.
Antifascists in Bloomington, IN held a hip hop shows partially for Jock Palefreeman. Aside from speaking with folks about Palefreemans case, they were able to raise some money for him.
To read more about Jocks case or to donate, read here!
For July 31st, we all released an article/Dox on National Anarchists. Check it out here!
Always on the prowl!
- South side ARA
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
Theory and Information Against National Anarchsim
National Anarchist Conor Wrigley and his.. crew |
The National Anarchist Movement has been largely influenced by Troy Southgate, who was formerly an active member in a number of far-right parties in Europe, including the British National Front, English Nationalist Movement, International Third Position and National Revolutionary Faction.
The ideology of National Anarchism includes elements of traditional anarchist theory and quotes from Bakunin, Proudhon, and even Hakim Bey appear in their writings. They promote small scale communities without a centralized State. However, they have combined anti-Statism with racial separatism where different cultures, “tribes,” or races are not to coexist.
National Anarchists go out of their way to talk about how they're not fascist, yet have striking similarities to fascist, far right, white supremacist movements:
-Belief that multi-racial societies are "destroying Europe" (Southgate p.130)
-Utilization of anti-semitic narratives such as references to the "Zionist media" (Southgate "Tradition and revolution"p. 125), referring to Jews as "vampiric parasites intent on carving up the world's resources in an attempt to create a single, global market" (NAM Manifesto)
-Opposing interracial relationships (what they call the "dominant ideology of inbreeding")
-Organizing on White Power websites like
Clearly, these positions are incompatible with a radical anarchist movement opposed to racism and white supremacy (regardless of whether they admit to their fascist leanings).
Some might ask why anti-racist anarchists should be concerned with this fringe movement. One answer is because they actively pursue a strategy of "entryism" where they enter existing movements and utilize them for their own ends.
In their own words, entryism is "the name given to the process of entering or infiltrating bona fide organizations, institutions and political parties with the intention of either gaining control of them for our own ends, misdirecting or disrupting them for our own purposes or converting sections of their memberships to our cause." (Southgate "Tradition and revolution" p. 220)
Here in the U.S., National Anarchists have attended and participated in anarchist events, such as demonstrations and book fairs. With an anti-State position, critique of Capitalism and the fact that they embrace other causes anarchists are invested in (animal rights, environmentalism, opposition to Israeli militarism, etc.) it is likely that they would have an appeal to some anarchists, particularly those who are young or new to radical politics.
In a way, these attempts at engaging with Leftists, anti-authoritarians and anti-racist anarchist scenes make them even more of a threat than groups that make their racist, white supremacist position more apparent. Their attempts to recruit from existing anarchist communities makes it essential that they be confronted and exposed wherever they appear.
In the last several years here in the U.S., there have been attempts by national anarchists to organize in New York (National Anarchist Tribal Alliance-NY), San Francisco (Bay Area National Anarchists) and recently some National Anarchists have appeared here in Illinois.
For example, National Anarchist Brandon Lashbrook played a prominent role in the utterly failed Illinois "White Man March".
Here are a two other National Anarchists from Illinois:
Jesse Abraham Deutsch
possible address: 2130 W 21st St
Chicago, IL 60608
Conor Wrigley (pictured at top)
2778 Deerpath Park Dr
Decatur, IL 62521-5607
Works at Menards Sales · Forsyth, Illinois
Born May 31, 1991
217-428-7922 (land line-parents house)
(217) 855-4750
Listen to Crimethinc Podcast on anti-fascism, including analysis of National Anarchism:
Troy Southgate "Tradition and Revolution- Collected Writings of Troy Southgate", “National Anarchism: Trojan Horse for White Nationalism”
Friday, July 11, 2014
Emails, Calls Needed for Jock Palfreeman
“Call For International Solidarity With Anti-fascist Jock Palfreeman”
A few days ago Australian anti-fascist Jock Palfreeman was assaulted in Sofia Central Prison in Bulgaria (he says it was not “too badly”) but yesterday [July 6] the same guard assaulted another prisoner, an elderly man, and some of that man’s compatriots came to his assistance. These seven were then set upon by 40 guards, who brutally beat them.
Jock, in his role of secretary of the Bulgarian Prisoners Association, phoned a number of lawyers to help defend those assaulted. Now Jock has been threatened by the same prison guard [who] has threatened him with another beating.
[The assault] is no surprise [given] not only Jock’s role within the prison with the Bulgarian Prisoners Association but also because of the various days of action for Jock being organised around the globe to highlight his case. You can contact the Bulgarian prison authorities [details below] or organise a protest at your nearest Bulgarian embassy or consulate.”
Addresses to post, fax and email your letters of protest to:
Krassimira Vocheva
Head Prosecutor-Sofia
No.2 Vitosha blvd
Tel: +359 28051500
Email via:
[NB: the fields on the form translate as:
Name & Surname:
Full address:
Your email:
Complaint or question (10000 characters):
Borish Velchev
Head Prosecutor-Sofia
No.2 Vitosha blvd
Tel: +359 28051500
Email via:
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Bulgaria
Address: 2 Aleksander Zhendov Str
Sofia 1040
Tel: +359 2 948 2999 (ready form for sending messages from their website, very helpful)
Information, Public Relations and European Communication Directorate
Director: Sofia Vladimirova
Tel: +359 2 971 1408. OR +359 2 971 3778. OR +359 2 948 2218.
Fax: +359 2 870 3041
Ministry’s Reception Desk
Tel: +359 2 948 2018 or +359 2 971 1054
(opening hrs 09.30 – 12.00 and 14.00 – 16.00)
Ministry of Justice
No 1 Slavanska st
Sofia 1040
Jock, in his role of secretary of the Bulgarian Prisoners Association, phoned a number of lawyers to help defend those assaulted. Now Jock has been threatened by the same prison guard [who] has threatened him with another beating.
[The assault] is no surprise [given] not only Jock’s role within the prison with the Bulgarian Prisoners Association but also because of the various days of action for Jock being organised around the globe to highlight his case. You can contact the Bulgarian prison authorities [details below] or organise a protest at your nearest Bulgarian embassy or consulate.”
Addresses to post, fax and email your letters of protest to:
Krassimira Vocheva
Head Prosecutor-Sofia
No.2 Vitosha blvd
Tel: +359 28051500
Email via:
[NB: the fields on the form translate as:
Name & Surname:
Full address:
Your email:
Complaint or question (10000 characters):
Borish Velchev
Head Prosecutor-Sofia
No.2 Vitosha blvd
Tel: +359 28051500
Email via:
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Bulgaria
Address: 2 Aleksander Zhendov Str
Sofia 1040
Tel: +359 2 948 2999 (ready form for sending messages from their website, very helpful)
Information, Public Relations and European Communication Directorate
Director: Sofia Vladimirova
Tel: +359 2 971 1408. OR +359 2 971 3778. OR +359 2 948 2218.
Fax: +359 2 870 3041
Ministry’s Reception Desk
Tel: +359 2 948 2018 or +359 2 971 1054
(opening hrs 09.30 – 12.00 and 14.00 – 16.00)
Ministry of Justice
No 1 Slavanska st
Sofia 1040
Monday, July 7, 2014
More Nazi Fliers in the Suburbs of Illinois - Creativity Movement
Sunday, June 15, 2014
A Day of Solidarity With Antifascist Prisoner Jock Palfreeman - July 25th
A Day of Solidarity With Antifascist Prisoner Jock Palfreeman
Who is Jock Palfreeman?
Jock Palfreeman is an Australian serving a 20-year sentence in Bulgaria. In 2007 he was travelling in Bulgaria when he defended two Roma men being attacked by soccer hooligans; in the ensuing fight, one of the attackers was killed under unclear circumstances. After a biased trial, Jock was convicted of murder, and the Bulgarian authorities refuse to transfer him from the notoriously run-down prison he is held in to Australia, without paying a huge fine. While in prison, Jock helped form the Bulgarian Prisoners Union, and has been beaten by guards in retaliation for his activism.
Take Action!
Palfreeman’s supporters are trying to have him moved to Australia to serve his sentence out closer to his family. Despite international agreements, the Bulgarian government has refused to transfer him until his family pays hundreds of thousands of dollars. He has asked supporters to pressure the head prosecutor to allow his transfer to Australia under the theme: ‘Head prosecutor Tsatsarov, stop following orders from corrupt politicians and do your job!’
Sotir Tsatsarov 2 Vitosha Boulevard Sofia, 1061
Bulgaria’s Embassy and consulates are located in New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago, and Washington, DC:
Palfreeman has asked that if money is raised, that it be sent to the Bulgarian Prisoners’ Rehabilitation Association, which he is the chairman of. Donation will be used for a legal aid defense fund and for lawyers to protect prisoners against punishments of the prison (for example appealable isolation punishments). Money can be sent via a wire transfer:
IBAN: BG29TEXI95451003928100 BIC: TEXIBGSF Texim Bank.
If it is easier to donate money via check or paypal, contact to make arrangements
If it is easier to donate money via check or paypal, contact to make arrangements
Write to Jock!
Jock Palfreeman Sofia Central Prison 21 General Stoletov Boulevard Sofia 1309, BULGARIA
(Please do not send books; for details on what to see,
For more information:
Ден на солидарност с антифашистът Джок Палфриман — Петък, 25ти Юли 2014г.
Кой е Джок Палфриман?
Джок Палфриман е автралиец, който излежава 20 годишна присъда в България. През 2007 година, пътувайки из България, той се намесва в защита на двама роми нападнати от футболни хулигани; в настъпилият побой един от нападателите е убит при неясни обстоятелства. След тенденциозен съдебен процес, Джок е осъден на 20 години за убийство. Българските власти отказват да го прехвърлят от българския затвор, известен с окаяните си условия, в Австралийски затвор без той да заплати глоба в огромен размер. В затвора Джок участва в организирането на Съюз на Българските Затворници и е бит многократно от надзирателите за своята дейност.
Намесете се!
Поддръжниците на Палфриман искат той да бъде преместен за доизлежаване на присъдата си в Австралия, по-близо до семейството си. Българското правителство отказва да го премести, независимо от съществуващата конвенция между България и Австралия докато семейството му не заплати стотици хиляди долари глоба. Джок иска тези, които го подкрепят да окажат натиск върху главния прокурор да разреши прехвърлянето му в Австралия с кампания под название: “Прокурор Цацаров, спрете да изпълнявате заповедите на корумпирани политици и си свършете работата!”
Сотир Цацаров, Бул. Витоша 2, София 1061
Българското посолство във Вашингтон и консулствата в Ню Йорк, Лос Анджелис, Чикаго са на тези адреси:
Палфриман иска ако има дарения, те да бъдат изпратени на Българската Асоциация за Рехабилитиране на Затворниците, на която той е председател. Даренията ще бъдат използвани за създаване на фонд за правна защита и за адвокатски услуги в защита на затворници от наказания наложени в затвора (например изолация, за която може да се апелира). Парите може да бъдат изпратени чрез банков превод на:
IBAN: BG29TEXI95451003928100 BIC: TEXIBGSF Тексим Банка.
Ако ви е по-удобно да направите дарение с чек или с paypal, свържете се с за да уредите плащането.
Пишете на Джок!
Джок Палфриман
Централен Софийски Затвор
Бул. Генерал Столетов 21
София 1309
(Моля не изпращайте книги; подробности относно какво може да изпратите на:
For more information:
За повече информация се обърнете към:
Ден на солидарност с антифашистът Джок Палфриман — Петък, 25ти Юли 2014г.
Кой е Джок Палфриман?
Джок Палфриман е автралиец, който излежава 20 годишна присъда в България. През 2007 година, пътувайки из България, той се намесва в защита на двама роми нападнати от футболни хулигани; в настъпилият побой един от нападателите е убит при неясни обстоятелства. След тенденциозен съдебен процес, Джок е осъден на 20 години за убийство. Българските власти отказват да го прехвърлят от българския затвор, известен с окаяните си условия, в Австралийски затвор без той да заплати глоба в огромен размер. В затвора Джок участва в организирането на Съюз на Българските Затворници и е бит многократно от надзирателите за своята дейност.
Намесете се!
Поддръжниците на Палфриман искат той да бъде преместен за доизлежаване на присъдата си в Австралия, по-близо до семейството си. Българското правителство отказва да го премести, независимо от съществуващата конвенция между България и Австралия докато семейството му не заплати стотици хиляди долари глоба. Джок иска тези, които го подкрепят да окажат натиск върху главния прокурор да разреши прехвърлянето му в Австралия с кампания под название: “Прокурор Цацаров, спрете да изпълнявате заповедите на корумпирани политици и си свършете работата!”
Сотир Цацаров, Бул. Витоша 2, София 1061
Българското посолство във Вашингтон и консулствата в Ню Йорк, Лос Анджелис, Чикаго са на тези адреси:
Палфриман иска ако има дарения, те да бъдат изпратени на Българската Асоциация за Рехабилитиране на Затворниците, на която той е председател. Даренията ще бъдат използвани за създаване на фонд за правна защита и за адвокатски услуги в защита на затворници от наказания наложени в затвора (например изолация, за която може да се апелира). Парите може да бъдат изпратени чрез банков превод на:
IBAN: BG29TEXI95451003928100 BIC: TEXIBGSF Тексим Банка.
Ако ви е по-удобно да направите дарение с чек или с paypal, свържете се с за да уредите плащането.
Пишете на Джок!
Джок Палфриман
Централен Софийски Затвор
Бул. Генерал Столетов 21
София 1309
(Моля не изпращайте книги; подробности относно какво може да изпратите на:
For more information:
За повече информация се обърнете към:
Tuesday, June 3, 2014
July 31st Day Of Action Against Fascism! 2014
Fascism Abroad And At Home
Fascist and far right activity has been a recent topic of conversation for many radicals. In Europe, groups like Golden Dawn in Greece and Svoboda in Ukraine have gained ground on the streets, and at times have secured representation in the parliament and national offices. These electoral and legalistic maneuvers have been accompanied by organized attacks against immigrants, LGBT people, union organizers, ethnic minorities, and leftists and radicals. The murder of Clement Meric, an 18-year-old French antifascist, in June 2013 by fascists is a prime example, as is the Pravy Sektor (Right Sector) participation in the burning of the Trade Unions House in Odessa, Ukraine that resulted in the deaths of 42 people.
The presence of fascism and the far right can be felt in North America, too. Neo-nazi and anti-Semite Frazier Glenn Miller murdered three people in April 2014 at a Jewish community center and retirement home on the eve of Passover. Michael Wade Smith, associated with both the Hammerskins and the now-defunct Volksfront, murdered six at a Sikh temple in a Milwaukee suburb in August 2012, presumably because he mistakenly believed them to be Muslim. Ex-National Socialist Movement member and border vigilante J.T. Ready turned his armed violence against his own family in May 2012. All three of these attacks were committed by men with explicit connections to white supremacist organizations and used their military training to gun down unarmed individuals, and their actions received praise from the white supremacist community for their actions.
Beyond individual acts of violence, white supremacists have also taken part in organized efforts to spread their message in other ways. Craig Cobb has attempted to organize white supremacists to move to the small town of Lieth, North Dakota, in an apparent manifestation of the Pioneer Little Europe (PLE) concept of creating all-white rural enclaves. Cobb's time in Lieth resulted in negative press attention, trouble with locals, protests by local indigenous people and anti-racists, and eventually legal trouble.
Antifa Take To The Streets
Antifascists haven't been sitting on their laurels. Militant antifascists have made headlines several times in recent years for publicly opposing fascist gatherings. One of these was the successful disruption of a white supremacist gathering in the Chicago suburb of Tinley Park in May 2012, which resulted in a brawl that ended in arrests and hospital visits. The antifa that were arrested that day, known as the Tinley Park 5, eventually took a non-cooperating plea and have been the subject of a prisoner support campaign that has received attention around the world. Antifascists also came out for the National Socialist Movement's conference in 2011, surprising white supremacists by showing up uninvited to their private conference (which, unlike their planned rally the next day, didn't have the police around to protect them from an angry mob).
Although these sensational events are what make in into the headlines, this is just a small part of what antifascist organizing really looks like. From gathering intelligence, to flyer drops and knocking on doors, to tabling shows and events, the background work ensures that antifa have a greater street presence than the fascists. Many antifascists are involved in weeding out white supremacist bands and labels in music scenes, driving a wedge between nazis and potential recruits in skinhead, punk, metal, industrial, and other scenes. Other antifa other involved in prisoner support, organizing benefits and staying in contact with incarcerated comrades or sending literature to radicalized prisoners. Antifascists have been particularly active in working to shut down public events that promote fascist perspectives, like pseudo-historian and holocaust-denier David Irving, and bands that tout white supremacist messages and fascist imagery, like Boyd Rice and Death In June. Whatever their specific politics, antifascists usually collaborate with others to build a strong counter to white supremacist activity and build a strong show of force. Groups like the Black Autonomy Network built large scale counter-rallies that easily outnumbered the KKK group they were protesting, who were only able to continue their rally due to being escorted by riot police.
The July 31st Day Of Action Against Fascism began in 2010 in response to a fascist attack on an anti-racist skinhead in Portland, Oregon. Since then, we've seen actions every year on July 31st aimed at clearing white supremacist activity from the streets and building a culture of resistance to fascist organizing. Some example of past actions include public outings of a neo-nazi's home and workplace, benefit shows and letter-writing parties for incarcerated antifa, organized call-in campaigns to get fascists evicted from their homes and fired from their jobs, intel drops, documentary and movie nights, and many more.
Why Militance?
When neo-nazi and former KKK leader Frazier Glenn Miller's anti-Semitic shooting spree targeted a Jewish community center and retirement home in a Kansas City suburb, it left three dead and shocked many throughout the US. However, this wasn't Miller's first tangle with either racist violence or law enforcement.
Miller's background as a Klansmen and neo-nazi leader with direct participation in paramilitary activity should be viewed alongside his willingness to collaborate with the state. He testified against other white supremacists in the Fort Smith sedition trial, and received reduced sentencing for his cooperation. Miller later became an FBI informant, received a new name (Frazier Glenn Cross), and was relocated throughout the midwest. His collaboration as an informant earned him the designation as a rat within white supremacist circles, a controversial figure to say the least.
Prior to the Kansas shooting, Miller had been arrested on numerous incidents for his participation in paramilitary activity and stockpiling weaponry. Previously, he had participated in the 1979 Greensboro Massacre, where Klansmen and neo-nazis planned a join assault on an anti-KKK rally organized by local communist organizers, leaving five dead and eleven others injured. The six white supremacists brought to trial were acquitted, and it was later revealed that one of the Klansmen involved was a police informant and that the ATF had also infiltrated the group and was aware of a planned confrontation. Miller claimed that the protestors fired the first shot, although no white supremacists were killed.
What should we take from this story? While Miller's past history of violence is important to take note of, we also highlight the role of the state in this process. Both punishing and protecting Miller at various points, the state was unable to prevent the extreme acts of violence that Miller was involved in. This meant that Miller was successfully able to wait out judicial punishments, and in some cases resumed his activities even while under agreement to discontinue. At best, the state was able to slow down Miller, and at worst it protected him from his former colleagues after he turned informant. The state's strategy of collecting information for counter-intelligence programs (COINTELPRO) and future prosecutions did nothing to make these communities safe.
To counter the potential of fascist violence, we propose action. By highlighting the actual dangers of white supremacist organizing (and not laughing them off as jokes or clowns), we hope to draw the lessons of previous struggles and apply them to today's. In disrupting their organizing, we prevent organized fascist groups from gaining new recruits. We target their attempts to spread racist propaganda because we see that this is how they gain followers, and we refuse to willingly let them have a seat at our table. The judicial system, the favored approach of the state, has failed to prevent white supremacist violence, and is itself a form of racist violence in the mass incarceration of People of Color. The state is content with allowing continued white supremacist organizing as long as it falls within the boundaries of legalism, and as we learned from the Tinley Park 5 and other similar court cases, will heavily punish opposition to its monopoly on violence.
This July 31st, show the fascists just how unwelcome they are in our communities.
Never give an inch! Our scenes, our streets!
Sunday, June 1, 2014
Local Ukranian Fascists DOX'd, Svoboda Flag Stolen and Burned
A significant element of the crisis has included far-right, fascist leaning groups, namely the Svoboda Party and Pravy Sektor (Right Sector). The Svoboda party frames itself simply as pro-Ukrainian, but their extensive political program ( includes a number of ultra-nationalist and anti-immigrant positions consistent with fascist parties.
Svoboda was active in the Maidan protests and maximized their position to achieve power within the newly established government- again, a typical power move of fascism. They obtained three powerful posts in the interim government: acting chief prosecutor, deputy prime minister and chairman of the National Security Council.
Both Right Sector and Svoboda present themselves as legitimate political parties had candidates in Ukraine's presidential election that recently took place on Sunday, May 25. Right Sector's candidate was their leader Dmytro Yarosh, while Oleh Tyahnybok was Svoboda's candidate. However, they are clearly structured as a paramilitary organization wrapped up in an extreme nationalist party.
Supporters of these fascist groups have been active here in Chicago. It was alleged in an on-line release that 40 fascists stormed the UE hall and disrupted an anti-fascist teach-in before leaving this Right Sektor flier.
The reality is only a few amongst the crowd were actual fascists, while many others simply oppose Russian totalitarianism and may not understand the message of the group that held the teach in. As for the actual Svoboda/Right Sektor supporters in Chicago, here are two of them :
Alex B Jarowyj
Age: 45-49
associated addresses:
2436 W Huron St
Chicago, IL 60612-1208,
52 James Ct
Glenview, IL 60025,
Attorney and Counselor · Chicago, Illinois · 2006 to present
The Law Offices of Alexander Jarowyj P.C.- 2301 W. Chicago
from Detroit
Oleh Hordij
The anti-fascist teach in event was initially supposed to be a protest outside of the law office of Jarowyj, demanding he remove the Right Sektor and Sbovoda flags that hang from the building. Since that didn't happen, some folks took it upon themselves to remove one.
Taken from pastebin, sent via email yesterday:
"We refuse to ask fascists to remove their propaganda. This is why we chose to steal and burn the Svoboda banner from the Law Offices of Alexander Jarowyj at 2301 W. Chicago. "
While we recognize that the political situation is complicated and nuanced and that we understand that many protestors in Ukraine (and Ukrainians living in the U.S. and elsewhere) are active because they oppose the totalitarian governments of both the East (Russia) and the West (U.S. & Europe), under no circumstances can we tolerate or condone any fascists or Nazi sympathizers. The banner can be replaced, but the antifas who stole it will always be on the prowl, and there's many more of us!
For more info about Right Sector and Svoboda, read this interview of Ukrainian antifa here:
Friday, May 30, 2014
CALL TO ACTION: June 2 – Creativity Movement, NSM, and Blood & Honor in Columbus, Ohio
Monday, May 5, 2014
Chicago Cops Caught Assaulting Handcuffed Chinese Woman & Shouting Racial Insults
A pair of Chicago cops are in boiling hot water after their illegal interrogation with a Chinese woman was caught on camera.
During a 2013 raid a hair and nail salon, security camera footage caught the officers roughing up 32-year-old Jianqing "Jessica" Klyzek and threatening to ship her in a UPS box back to China.
Reports Chicago Sun-Times:
A Chicago police officer hit a handcuffed, kneeling woman in the head, while another shouted racially charged comments at her and threatened she'd be murdered during a raid of a West Side tanning salon.
Filmed by a security camera during a Chicago Police vice raid at the Copper Tan and Spa in Noble Square last summer, the video appears to show one cop smack 32-year-old salon manager Jianqing “Jessica” Klyzek in the head with an open hand as she is on her knees, handcuffed.
Another large officer yelled at the 110 pound, 5-foot-2 Klyzek — a naturalized U.S. citizen who emigrated from China — “You're not f------ American!”
The officer then ranted at a screaming and hysterical Klyzek that “I'll put you in a UPS box and send you back to wherever the f--- you came from,” before warning her the spa's owner “will f------ kill you . . . You'll be dead, and your family will be dead.”
"I cannot imagine Supt. Garry McCarthy can face the citizens of this city and defend these officers' actions,” said Klyzek's attorney, Torreya Hamilton, who is calling for the officers to be fired."
Naturally, the Independent Police Review Authority says they are investigating the situation but it has nearly been a year. No report as of yet the damages Klyzek is seeking in her lawsuit.
Miley Cyrus Gang Charged After Racist Attacks in Joliet
Ryan Elliot 1310 Cora st, Joliet, IL |
Taken from Joliet patch:
The Miley Cyrus Gang subjected a man to racial slurs before beating him and his girlfriend in a Joliet bar, said a man who claimed he was also attacked.
The Miley Cyrus Gang unleashed a vicious beating on two men and a woman in a Joliet bar after bandying about racial slurs and taunting a man for drinking "Mexican beer," said one of the the alleged victims of the Sunday night attack.
"There was a racial slur about him being a Mexican and he (was) drinking a Corona beer and that he should be drinking American beer instead of a Mexican beer and told him to go over and sit over at the other end of the bar with all of the other Mexicans," Donny Rice of Joliet said of the man first allegedly targeted by at least three young men in the Hickory Street bar Lety's place.
The three men—Daniel Lahey, 26, of 2424 Morning Glory Lane in Crest Hill, Robert Krapil, 27, of 2806 Amanda Court in Joliet, and Ryan Elliott, 27, of 1310 Cora St. in Joliet—and possibly two more also "started talking about Miley Cyrus" before attacking bar patrons, police said.
Rice confirmed the Miley Cyrus Gang said "something about Miley Cyrus" before launching their attack.
Rice said the gang began beating the Hispanic man and his girlfriend—whom he did not know but stepped in to try to save.
"I was just trying to protect one of the guys and the girl getting beat up and then they just switched from beating that guy and the girl up to me," said Rice, who two days later sports a pair of blackened eyes from the thrashing he took.
Rice said he felt the need to step in because the Hispanic man "was done. he was knocked out."
"He was knocked out and they were still kicking him in the face and stepping on the back of his head and still hitting him, kicking him while he was down," said Rice, who had stopped into the bar to drop off food for his daughter, an employee of the place.
Police charged Lahey, Krapil and Elliott with nothing more than misdemeanor battery, but Rice met with a detective Tuesday and told him about the hate speech and the unprovoked, savage attack, and how even a young woman was punched and kicked by the Miley Cyrus Gang.
Taken from Joliet patch:
The detective also spoke with another man allegedly beaten by Elliott in a different Joliet bar last year. The man, who said he suffered a broken nose, reportedly picked Elliott out of a photo lineup conducted by police.
One of three men charged with the Miley Cyrus Gang bar beating was hit with two felony charges for allegedly attacking a man and breaking his nose in a different bar last year.
Ryan Elliott, 27, of 1310 Cora St. in Joliet was charged with two counts of aggravated battery. He was booked into the Will County jail Thursday afternoon and is being held in lieu of $250,000 bond.
Elliott allegedly punched Jim Lanham in the face in June. Lanham said he was at the Essington Road bar On the Rocks when Elliott—who had been in a confrontation with other bar patrons—attacked him without provocation.
"I was just standing there," Lanham said. "I wasn't part of the fight or anything."
Lanham said a punch from Elliott broke his nose.
Elliott was arrested after the fight but prosecutors chose not to file charges against him. The case was reviewed and charges were filed Friday, five days after Elliott and two other men—Daniel Lahey, 26, of 2424 Morning Glory Lane in Crest Hill and Robert Krapil, 27, of 2806 Amanda Court in Joliet—were arrested for allegedly attacking two men and a woman at a different bar.
The three walked into the Hickory Street tavern Lety's Place and "started talking about Miley Cyrus" before beating up the men and woman, police said of Elliott, Lahey and Krapil, who have since become known as the "Miley Cyrus Gang." The story of the alleged Lety's Place attack has garnered national attention.
One of the two men who said he was beaten by the Miley Cyrus Boys at Lety's Place detailed the alleged attack in a video featured on Patch. The man, Donny Rice, told how the gang subjected a bar patron to racial slurs and told him to "go over and sit over at the other end of the bar with all of the other Mexicans."
Rice said the gang then began beating the Hispanic man and his girlfriend—whom he did not know but stepped in to try to save.
"I was just trying to protect one of the guys and the girl getting beat up and then they just switched from beating that guy and the girl up to me," said Rice, who explained he felt the need to help because the Hispanic man "was done. He was knocked out."
Prosecutors are still looking into the alleged attack at Lety's Place, said Charles B. Pelkie, the spokesman for the Will County State's Attorney's Office. Additional charges could be filed before the men make their first court appearance.
Lanham said he was relieved to learn of Elliott's arrest.
"I'm just glad that they finally got him," said Lanham, who added, "I'm a little upset that it had to take him committing another crime and hurting someone else to bring it to the attention of the authorities."
Friday, May 2, 2014
U.S. Fascists Debate the Conflict in Ukraine
Taken from Threewayfight:
The Ukrainian fascists who helped seize power in Kiev three weeks ago have gotten a strikingly mixed response from U.S. far rightists. Like others across the political spectrum, U.S. fascists are struggling to understand and respond to the complex situation in Ukraine, and their discussions reveal some important fault lines and contradictions. Anti-fascists -- take note.
As discussed in my previous post, the two main Ukrainian fascist groups are Svoboda party, whose electoral support surged in 2012 from less than 1 percent to 10.45%, and Right Sector, a paramilitary coalition of far-right groups that regards Svoboda as too moderate. Svoboda and Right Sector are descendants of the Ukrainian fascist groups that collaborated with the Nazis and murdered tens of thousands of Jews and Poles. Both Svoboda and Right Sector played an important role in the western-backed "Euromaidan" movement that toppled Ukraine's pro-Russian President Viktor Yanukovych in a political revolution with real popular support, and they've been rewarded with key posts in the new government.
So you might expect that American fascists would be cheering on their comrades in Kiev. After all, when the Greek neo-nazi party Golden Dawn won 7 percent of the parliamentary vote in 2012 and ramped up its violent attacks on immigrants, LGBT people, and political opponents, U.S. far rightists were enthusiastic. But for the most part, their responses to the Ukrainian upheaval have ranged from ambivalent to hostile, for several reasons. Some American far rightists are unhappy about the prospect of another war between Europeans. Some of them consider the Ukrainian fascists politically suspect because of their involvement in a movement backed by the U.S. and European Union governments. And some of them support the Russian government and its vision of a greater Eurasian Union including at least part of the Ukraine.The Ukraine conflict is in some ways a throwback to the Cold War, when many fascists -- including the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists -- joined forces with the CIA against the Soviet Union, despite their misgivings about the U.S. and western Europe's liberal political systems. But even in the 1950s, there were some far rightists -- such as Francis Parker Yockey -- who advocated an alliance with Russian communism against the "decadent" West. This position was known as national bolshevism.
Map of Ukraine with Oblast Krim (Crimea) highlighted
Since the 1980s, and especially since the collapse of the Soviet bloc in 1989-1991, the old Cold War alliances have unraveled. To most western fascists, the main enemy is not Russia (or China) but rather the "Zionist Occupation Government" (ZOG) in Washington or western-based "globalist elites" bent on destroying European civilization. Today the main geopolitical debate among western fascists seems to be whether to stake out a "third position" between West and East or to ally themselves with the new post-communist Russian state.
Some fascists outside Ukraine have turned out in support of Svoboda or Right Sector. The Daily Beast reported on March 2 about a Swedish fascist group's initiative to send people and supplies to "support the Ukrainian revolution." But the article's headline, "Neo-Nazis Pour into Kiev," was absurdly alarmist. The lead organizer for Swedish Ukrainian Volunteers admitted, "If we get 50, all in all, I will be very proud."
On Stormfront, the largest neo-nazi bulletin board in the U.S., one contributor announced that he was heading to Ukraine to volunteer his services to Right Sector, and urged other westerners, especially those with military experience, to "come to the aid of fellow nationalists in Ukraine and help found the first nationalist state in Europe, since 1945." But on the discussion thread that followed, nobody else offered to join him, and only some of the comments were supportive. Criticisms included, "If you help Ukrainian Nationalists invade Russian parts of Ukraine, you will put yourself on the wrong side of history" and "This so called 'Ukrainian revolution' is nothing more than the U.S. and the U.K. stirring up trouble AGAIN, in another country."
Other Stormfront threads took a more neutral approach. A second contributor lamented, "Why do White people kill more White people??! Can't they see that ZOG is manipulating them like sheep going to the slaughterhouse?!" while another urged far rightists to brainstorm ways to prevent war and "loss of white life" in Ukraine, such as the idea that Russia could buy Crimea from Ukraine. "This would prevent Ukraine from going to the International (Jewish) Usury Fund and allow also the ejection of some large section of Tartars [sic] (non-white muslims [sic]) from Ukraine."
On the Traditionalist Youth Network website, Matt Parrott of Hoosier Nation called the Ukrainian conflict "ideologically ambiguous" and said he wouldn't pick a side until "one faction or another may unambiguously align with the global identitarian vision." On The Occidental Observer site, Kevin MacDonald, a prominent white nationalist intellectual, wrote that "Ukraine is a textbook case of the costs of multiculturalism, a story of competing nationalisms," but warned Ukraine against allying with the European Union, since EU anti-nationalism leads to "the obliteration of all traditional European national cultures." "A better solution," he suggested," would be to break up states like Ukraine with large ethnic divisions into ethnically homogeneous societies..."
Many American fascists are suspicious of Ukrainian fascists' right-wing credentials. declared "Authentic National Socialists do not collaborate with a regime as corrupt as that of the USA, that supports Israel and is controlled by Jews, and do not allow themselves to be used as geopolitical pawns." On the other hand, the same author wrote that Right Sector "seems to represent authentic National Socialism (I really hope I am right about this)," and praised Right Sector's commitment to vigilante justice. But Michael McGregor of Radix (successor to argued that even Right Sector isn't fascist enough, claiming that the group is "dedicated to a type of civic nationalism where the interests of preserving a more important than that of preserving their race or even that of their own ethnic group."
Writing about the Euromaidan protests before Yanukovych had fled Kiev, Vanguard News Network (VNN) wrote that "the Jews and the internationalists (this of course includes America) are angry because the Ukraine won't 'play ball' with the globalist agenda of free trade, global government, non-white immigration, massive debt via [International Monetary Fund] loans, hate-crime laws, and other horrible things." In a follow-up article, VNN added that "Western governments want to bring the Ukraine under Western influence so they can use it as a possible 'weapon' or at least as a 'watchdog' against Russia [which] too often goes against NWO [New World Order] or Jewish interests, e.g., selling sophisticated missiles to Arab countries like Syria."
Unlike the openly pro-nazi VNN, the Lyndon LaRouche network presents itself as progressive and anti-fascist, and when the Yanukovych government fell, LaRouche's Executive Intelligence Review proclaimed "U.S.A. and EU, With Ukrainian Terrorists, Establish Nazi Regime." This is essentially the Russian government line, although the LaRouchites combine it with their own elaborate conspiracy theories, notably that both the EU and the U.S. government are really controlled by the British empire. From this perspective, Ukraine's upheaval was simply a putsch carried out by western government operatives, in which popular forces exercised no agency of their own. The LaRouchites give no credence to the Yanukovych government's corruption and repressive brutality as factors that outraged many Ukrainians and led them to revolt.
A related analysis was offered by U.S. supporters of Aleksandr Dugin, such as Global Revolutionary Alliance. Dugin is the Russian far right's leading intellectual, former theoretician of the National Bolshevik Party, and one of the main figures in the European New Right, which offers a sanitized fascism as a project to defend "difference" and "ethnopluralism." He has close ties with the Russian state and is the founder of the modern Eurasianist movement, which envisions Russia as the center of a new authoritarian "empire." Dugin addressed the Ukraine crisis in a recent interview on the Counter-Currents Publishing website, which blends white nationalism, antisemitism, and European New Right ideology. He argued that members of the anti-Yanukovych movement were united not by a desire for political change or closer ties to the EU, but simply by "their pure hatred of Russia." He also found a way to criticize the Euromaidan movement both for including neo-nazis and for including progressive groups:
"The left wing liberal groups are not less extremist than the neo-Nazi groups.... We find especially in Eastern Europe and Russia very often that the Homosexual-Lobby and the ultranationalist and neo-Nazi groups are allies. Also the Homosexual lobby has very extremist ideas about how to deform, re-educate and influence the society.... The gay and lesbian lobby is not less dangerous for any society than neo-Nazis."
Dugin also argued that the hope any Ukrainian fascists might have of pursuing a course independent of major global powers is an illusion:
"There is no 'third position,' no possibility of that.... The same ugly truth hits the Ukrainian 'nationalist' and the Arab salafi fighter: They are Western proxies. It is hard to accept for them because nobody likes the idea to be the useful idiot of Washington....
"There is land power and sea power in geopolitics. Land power is represented today by Russia, sea power by Washington. During World War II Germany tried to impose a third position.... The end was the complete destruction of Germany. So when even the strong and powerful Germany of that time wasn't strong enough to impose the third position how [can] the much smaller and weaker groups want to do this today? It is impossible, it is a ridiculous illusion."
However, Counter-Currents also published a sharply different argument by Greg Johnson, who referred to Dugin as the Russian regime's "apostle and apologist...whose credibility with ethnonationalists should be reduced to zero by now." Johnson offered the most sophisticated far right analysis of the Ukraine crisis that I have seen so far. He argued that "The strife in the Ukraine is not, at root, caused by Russian or 'Western' intervention, for these would find no purchase if Ukraine were not already an ethnically divided nation," and that "even in the absence of outside influence, Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych had to go [because he] is a crook who plundered his country and was essentially selling its geopolitical alignment to the highest bidder in order to retain his grip on power."
Johnson noted that the far right groups Svoboda and Right Sector had played a remarkably prominent role in the Ukrainian revolution, but as part of a coalition "which also included centrists, Leftists, feminists, gay rights advocates, and ethnic minority agitators, including Jews, Tatars, and Armenians." He argued (echoing Michael McGregor's point quoted above) that Right Sector "falls far short of National Socialism," and that "of all European nationalist parties, Svoboda is probably the most radical and consistent, yet it is also one of the most successful.... Unfortunately, despite an admirable political platform, Svoboda is at present committed to maintaining the artificial Ukrainian state." And unlike Dugin (or LaRouche), Johnson refused to embrace the Russian government:
"Like many White Nationalists, I admire Vladimir Putin because he is an important geopolitical counter-weight to the United States and Israel..., he has sought to address Russia's demographic crisis, and he looks and acts like a real-life James Bond. But Putin is not an ethnonationalist. Indeed, he imprisons Russian nationalists and is committed to maintaining Russia's current borders, which include millions of restive Muslims in the Caucasus.
Johnson conceded that if "Putin were to take back the Crimea, virtually ridding Ukraine of its Russian and Tatar minorities and leaving Ukraine smaller but more racially and culturally homogeneous, it might be a case of doing the right thing for the wrong reason." And he hoped that Svoboda and other ultranationalists would eventually bring about "national autonomy for all peoples within the current Ukrainian borders."
These debates highlight the complexity of the Ukrainian upheaval. A popular uprising has replaced a corrupt, repressive government (representing a pro-Russian capitalist faction) with a coalition of “austerity”-promoting neoliberals and fascists (representing a pro-EU capitalist faction), which now faces military intervention in the Crimea by Vladimir Putin’s Russian government. None of these regimes is on the side of Ukraine’s ordinary people. As a coalition of internationalists from Ukraine, Russia, and elsewhere has declared, this is a "power struggle between oligarchic clans [that] threatens to escalate into an international armed conflict."
In dealing with this conflict, fascists are all over the map -- some lined up with (or in) the new Ukrainian government, some backing Russia, and some (many in the U.S.) conflicted or wavering in between. This means that calls to support the Russian government in the name of "anti-fascism" are just as misinformed or dishonest as calls to support Ukraine's "democratic revolution."
Thursday, May 1, 2014
Brad Dunlap Returns to WN Activism After Turning Informant for Antifa
After the initial outing, which allegedly led to him being fired from his job amongst other things, Brad claimed to have left the movement. In order to prove this, Brad shared private information he had gathered on other white nationalists with us. Normally we respect someone who turns away from the white nationalist scene and aids in the destruction of it, but after his recent return to white nationalist activism (detailed below), we figured we'd share his spineless fence walking ways.
Bradleys return from WN activism. Taken from stormfront (since removed):
"Hey guys back. So after being fired, having leaflets sent to my neighbors calling me a Nazi, and seeing my wife get intimidated after all I was doing was trying to organize the AFP in Indiana I have dealt with everything, gotten a new job and really have been thinking thru everything.
First off I was like I am over all this ****, isnt worth it. Then I was pissed off for letting me be run outta of something I believe in. Well now I understand my legal rights better, and believe that what I was doing had a purpose and was totally right. They have parties and groups that support minorities. Nobody calls the NAACP racist, at least in the mainstream. They have a Muslim Brotherhood party forming up and hell they even have theyre own television network in the states. So when the American Freedom Party stands up for the constitution and actually acknowledges that whites have rights too and arent evil everybody goes ape**** and freaks out at them. Well I support and believe in them and I am not about too let a bunch of communists run me off.
So here is the deal. Lets have a get together, lets get a chapter going on in this state and lets make a difference. I think being in the open is the only way to get legitimacy. Hiding, and being secretive is really counter productive . I meet people everyday who share our beliefs. I hear how the Democrats, and Republicans are completely out of touch. I hear how nobody speaks the truth, its all about power and greed etc. Well I am not greedy, I am honest and I really want to do this right. So message me if your interested. I am in central Indiana and am willing to meet with anybody and get something going.
Screenshots of more recent posts on stormfront can be seen here
I look forward to hearing from you. Don't be afraid too say what you believe. We have just as much right to enter the discussion about our country as any other group or party.
Cya! "-------------
Conversations between Bradley and antifa after the initial outing:
Another email from Brad to antifa displaying him co-operating by sharing private email convos:
"Hey I emailed the afp told them to take me off the contact and that I am not with them. They responded saying they filed a complaint with somebody about the website. I told them not intimidation just fed up with crazy people. I will paste all these emails below. I am not a computer genius so bare with me. I will also be glad to help in the future."Bradley then forwarded all email conversations between him and AFP members as well as other Indiana white supremacists.
He then volunteered to infiltrate Trad Youth network:
Brad Dunlap
2509 Grand Fir Dr
Greenwood, IN 46143
American Freedom Party Indianapolis
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
South Side ARA Annual Zine #5 (2013-2014)
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Welcome to the newest (Fifth!) edition of the South Side Chicago ARA zine. Every year we put together a collection of our updates on local antifascist work and intelligence, as well as a few relevant articles and updates from other sources.
Its been another busy year for antifascists in Illinois. As always, we've collected and posted the addresses and personal information on local white supremacists.
Antifascists have also been busy on the ground. We reported on the exposing of the Illinois NSM membership, which has since effectively been shut down following the resignation of their leader. David Irving, the world's most well-known Holocaust denier, once again had his Chicago stop on his speaking tour abruptly cancelled. It also pleased us to see that the Illinois white supremacists responsible for organizing the White Man March in Centralia were richly rewarded for their efforts. These are just a few of the accomplishments this past year has seen.
South Side ARA was involved in the founding of TORCH, a new North American antifascist network along with Hoosier Anti-Racist Movement, Central Texas ARA, Central Florida Antifa, and ARA LA/PART. We have also welcomed the addition of Philly Antifa. For more information on TORCH, scope it out at
Watching Europe, we've seen many reasons why antifascism is still necessary. In this crisis of the capitalist system, we've seen from across the pond fascism rearing its ugly head again. From Greece to Ukraine to Sweden and elsewhere, fascist parties have been gaining seats in parliament and street groups have been attacking immigrants, gays, Jews, Roma, and leftists. Neo-nazis in Paris, France murdered a young antifascist and gay rights organizer Clement Meric, and Swedish fascists assaulted multiple people at an International Women's Day demo in the Swedish city of Malmo, sending another gay rights organizer to the hospital with life-threatening stab wounds.
If you are excited by what you read inside this zine, we encourage you to join in the fight against fascism. There are lots of ways to join in the struggle, like hosting benefits and letter-writing parties for antifa political prisoners, taking part in demos, or even getting involved in a local antifascist crew. Whatever path you choose, we hope to see you in the streets.
We would like to dedicate this issue of the South Side Chicago ARA Zine to antifascist Clement Meric, who was murdered by neo-nazis in Paris, and to the victims of the Overland Park, Kansas shooting on April 13 by Frazier Glen Miller, a longtime KKK and neo-nazi organizer.
No Pasaran!
South Side Chicago ARA
Monday, April 14, 2014
Fascists Attempt to Storm Teach-In at Chicago Union Hall
Taken from the Red Pheonix:
April 12 saw a heated confrontation between Fascists and Anti-fascists when about forty Maidan supporters attempted to break into an Anti-fascist sponsored teach-in at United Electric Hall on S. Ashland.
The forty Maidan supporters included demonstrators flying the flags of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army, and at least one “Right Sector” supporter complete with fatigues and regalia. Activists knew from previous encounters with the right-wing in Ukrainian village that the Maidan supporters in Chicago organize their rallies through networks maintained by ex-military contacts; this begins to explain the violent tactics employed by the Fascist mob.
As in previous Anti-fascist events related to the crisis in Ukraine, the Svoboda sympathizers attempted to worm their way into the event to take down the faces of the participants to identify “Reds” and “Jews” on their Anti-Anti-fascist sites, it is when these Fascists were removed that the mob attempted to storm the Hall. Acting as the event’s security wing, APL members and members of Freedom Road Socialist Organization kept the mob from reaching the participants by actively holding back the mob as it attempted to force its way in through the double-doors of the Union Hall.
It was during this struggle that an APL member noticed that one of the Maidan supporters had slipped Right-Sector propaganda under the door, the flier calls for Ukrainian living space, defines the nation as a genetic concept and closes with a quote by Mussolini.
After the attempted break-in by the mob, Chicago police arrived on the initiative of UE’s key-holders who felt their Hall was in danger of being ransacked by the ultra-nationalists. The mob argued briefly with the police, event attempting to press charges against Anti-fascists, which even the police informed them was ill-advised, the mob slinked away after this last whimper. Inside the mood was victorious, all the efforts of the ultra-nationalists’ forces had come to nothing, the teach-in was held successfully and Anti-fascist forces were consolidated to continue this fight until all people’s can live without fear and Fascism is reduced to a distant memory.
Suspect in Kansas City Shooting is Frazier Glenn Miller
OVERLAND PARK, KS – The shooter that shot and killed three persons at a Jewish community center and a retirement home a mile away has been identified as veteran white supremacist Frazier Glenn Miller, who once ran a white supremacist paramilitary operation before he turned FBI informant and in recent years had been seen posting regularly on a white supremacist website forum, where his last post was to note that he had spoken yesterday to Craig Cobb the white supremacist who attempted to take over a small town in North Dakota last year.
While police have not publicly named the suspect in the shootings, his picture was shot as he was taken into custody and was spread throughout several media outlets. Several postings on the Vanguard News Network VNN) forum confirmed it was indeed Miller, who also is known as Fraiser Glenn Cross Jr.
Miller was a major player in the 1980s white supremacist scene, organizing a parimilitary Klan outfit based in North Carolina called the White Patriot Party (WPP) using $200,000 stolen from armored trucks by the neo-Nazi terrorist group the Order, according to Miller himself during his testimony during a 1988 sedition trial in Arkansas. The WPP collapsed after he violated an injunction against paramilitary activity and was convicted of threatening Morris Dees of the Southern Poverty Law Center. He was imprisoned for three years before being released in 1990. He was branded as a traitor for turning informant and went underground, but in recent years Miller was more of an internet presence posting as “Rounder” on the VNN forum. He also maintained a website which has videos and writings he authored. He also attempted to run for congress with the support of VNN. Another longtime white supremacist, Ron Doggett, who was a Unit leader in the WPP, supported his 2010 run.
His last VNN posting about Craig Cobb was one of several in recent weeks where he indicated he was in close contact with the white supremacist who attempted to create a white's only enclave in Leith, ND before his arrest on terroristic threats. “Sounded confident and healthy. His PSI is completed, in the hands of his attorney, and next hearing (release hearing presumeably) is 29 April,” Miller said of Cobb, who is awaiting sentencing after agreeing to plead guilty to five misdemeanors and one felony. Cobb was in nearby Kansas City on Nov. 9 for a National Socialist Movement rally.
It has also been learned that two of the persons that Miller is alleged to have killed were Methodists.
Thursday, March 27, 2014
ORLAND PARK: KKK and ANP Fliers Found One Day Before Mosque Shooting
Taken from the Chicago Tribune:
Fliers promoting the American Nazi Party and Ku Klux Klan were posted on cars in a La Grange Road shopping center parking lot around noon Monday, Orland Park police said
A woman shopping at Michaels at 15102 S. La Grange Rd. brought a flier she'd found on her windshield to Michaels staff, who checked the cars in the parking lot and found one additional flier before reporting the incident to police, said Lieutenant Tony Farrell.
One carried a swastika, the words "white power" and a website address for the American Nazi Party, while the other touted the Ku Klux Klan. Both fliers appeared to be printed from websites, Farrell said.
"It is alarming to people, but we don't know who put them there or what their intentions were. None had any threats, just propaganda," said Farrell, adding that there's no way to know whether particular individuals were targeted or the fliers were placed at random. The woman who found the flier also told police about the incident but there were no other reports, Farrell said.
Sightings of similar fliers, while not unheard of, are rare, said Farrell, who couldn't recall the last time they were found in Orland Park. In January, the Tribune reported that Tinley Park police records showed four incidents of Ku Klux Klan paraphernalia being seen or distributed since January 2012, and in October, a group claiming connections to the Ku Klux Klan was named in fliers found in New Lenox.
Police don't believe a crime was committed and don't know whether the fliers were created by a member of either group or someone "doing it for the shock value," but police will continue to look into any reports of suspicious messages, Farrell saidWhat's even more odd, is that one day later in Orland Park, a bullet was fired at a Mosque during prayer service. It is unclear if these incidents are directly related.
Taken from Sun Times:
A bullet was fired through the dome of an Orland Park mosque Tuesday morning, damaging the building during a early morning prayer service, according mosque officials.
No one was injured when the single shot was fired a few minutes after 6 a.m. during the Fajr, or break-of-dawn prayer, according to a statement from the Chicago office of the Council on American-Islamic Relations.
The bullet penetrated the dome and caused debris to fall and disrupt the service, according to the statement. About 40 people were in the prayer center at 6530 104th Ave.
“Incidents such as this have a chilling effect on worshippers,” CAIR-Chicago Executive Director Ahmed Rehab said in the statement.
“No one should have to go to their place of worship worried if they’ll make it back home alive,” he added.
CAIR said Orland Park police were contacted and are investigating. Orland Park police could not be reached for comment.
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