A Wilmette man has been charged with breaking into a gas station to steal lottery tickets.Patrick Langballe, 34, of 1936 Schiller Ave., was charged recently with burglary, police said. Authorities said Langballe smashed the front door of the BP gas station, 901 Lake Ave., and stole instant lottery tickets at 1:15 a.m. on Nov. 1.“He was identified off a video surveillance,” said Wilmette Police Sgt. Kyle Murphy. “We knew it was him. It was a matter of locating him.”Langballe agreed to come into the Wilmette Police Department, where he was questioned and later charged, Murphy said.He allegedly stole 70 instant lottery tickets valued at $500, Murphy said.“There were some winners,” Murphy said. “But he didn’t successfully cash them in.”Bond was set Dec. 6 and Langballe was given a Dec. 20 court date at Skokie courthouse.Langballe could not be reached for comment.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Wilmette Nazi Patrick Langballe Arrested for Breaking into a Gas Station
Another bonehead causing trouble in the local white supremacist scene for a long time has found himself in the papers again. Patrick Langballe, who began his white power organizing while attending New Trier High School as the "White War Commission", is a former member of the now splintered World Church of the Creator(WCOTC) who did several years prison time having been convicted of multiple hate crimes. His recent arrest for breaking into a gas station to steal instant lottery tickets is just the latest on his list of embarrassing antics which caused him to get kicked out of the local Blood and Honour's C-18 division (denoted by the sloppy "28" B&H tattoo on his forehead). Rumor has it he received the boot because he was giving C-18 tattoos to non-members, making C-18 more public than they wanted by making business cards, joking about having sex with children, talking trash about other local nazis, and most importantly, providing us(ssARA) with intel on people within his own movement(thanks again). According to John Alexander of C-18, Langballe was also caught smoking weed with a person of color(apparently a horrible crime in the WN world). These are things that lead to his own comrades thinking that he is one loose cannon who can't be trusted. Let's see how much white unity he's finding in Cook County Jail where he has been sitting for more than three weeks now. From TribLocal:
Monday, December 20, 2010
Neo Nazi Mariusz Wdziekonski Sentenced to Seven years
Mariusz Wdziekonski(from the 7800 block of Lawrence Ave), an alleged member of the neo-Nazi National Socialist Movement, was arrested in 2008 for vandalizing 67 graves of Jewish men and women interred in Westlawn Cemetery in Norridge, Illinois. Convicted earlier this month, he received the maximum sentence of 7 years for his actions to be carried out at Stateville prison in Joliet. While South Side ARA is glad to see one less white supremacist roaming the streets, we recognize the failure that is the prison-industrial complex, a system that sweeps problems under the rug without healing the damages caused to our communities. Taken from the Chicago Tribune:
A Norridge man found guilty of a hate crime for spraying anti-Semitic graffiti on dozens of grave markers at a Jewish cemetery has beensentenced to seven years -- the maximum penalty permitted by law.
Judge Larry Axelrood called Mariusz Wdziekonski, 25, "a bigot" before sentencing him today.
"You have this warped idea that you're going to be a hero to these
other bigots and white supremacists," Axelrood said. "You wanted to
inflict your hatred. You wanted to inflict your pain. You brought
shame to your family."
Wdziekonski did not speak during his sentencing at the Skokie branch courthouse.
Wdziekonski was convicted of spray-painting anti-Semitic epithets and neo-Nazi and white supremacist hate symbols on 67 headstones in
Westlawn Cemetery in January 2008. One grave marker was spray-painted with a noose with a Jewish Star of David dangling from it, authorities
Wdziekonski, a Polish national, was arrested in February 2008.
Investigators at the time said he was a member of the National
Socialist Movement, which the Anti Defamation League has called the
largest and most active neo-Nazi group in the United States.
After his arrest, investigators found pictures of Wdziekonski dressed
as a German storm trooper and said he was fascinated with Nazi history and culture, Assistant State's Attorney Lauren Brown said.
Held on $250,000 bond since his arrest, Wdziekonski has already been
imprisoned for almost three years and could therefore be eligible for
early release in a few months. Prosecutors said he could be deported
to Poland.
Wdziekonski testified in his own defense during the 2 ½-day trial. He
denied being a neo-Nazi or white supremacist and said he was simply a
collector of Nazi memorabilia.
"It is a hate crime because he doesn't like a single group of people,"
Brown said. "I can't imagine anything that could be worse...especially
to the Jewish community. He doesn't even have the graciousness to say
he is sorry."
Axelrood said that while the U.S. is a free country where people are allowed to have hateful beliefs, they cannot act on them.
"You can keep you beliefs," the judge told Wdziekonski, "and you can take them to the penitentiary."
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Advancing the Understanding of the Ones We Destroy
In the Left there is a real a problem, amongst many, of reducing Fascism to be merely synonymous with bureaucratic or even just plain "bad", tossing the word around so loosely when describing "measures that represent the ordinary functioning of government". This only serves to delude the discussion. Fascism is a grass roots and self proclaimed anti-capitalist movement or "political behavior" based on racial/religious superiority that abandons liberty and pursues with violence a quest for internal purity and expansion. It has many tendencies and forms. Antifascists must not only understand, but be able to explain why the work we do is necessary . If antifascist want to develop strong militant cadre we must advance our understanding of that which we are fighting. Here are a few reads that may be helpful in capturing a definition or analyses that better suit us for internal debate.
This is a partial issue taken from the "collections" out of the sojourner truths digital archive. It was printed in 1976 and is compiled with analyses and debate about fascism in the U.S.
A few books dedicated to the subject
- The nature of Fascism
- Fascism- critical conceptions in Political science
- The Anatomy of Fascism
- A history of fascism 1914-1945
- The Doctrine of Fascism
- Confronting Fascism: Discussion documents for a militant movement(book reveiew)
- The Anatomy of Fascism
- Beating Fascism in Theory and Practice

Here is a debate stemming from Confronting Fascism: Discussion documents for a militant movement between Bring the Ruckus and Three way fight. One can potentially follow the debate without having read the book itself.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Pro choice militants take on Joe Scheidler and the pro life action league
In the early hours of December 1st, pro-choice militant feminists attacked
the home of an anti-choice "patriarch" Joe Schiedler on the North Side of
Chicago. The day fallowing the action news spread across Christian and Catholic news sites about the attack on the Scheidler's even contacting the Obama Administration to do an investigation on this "hate crime" but still, while wanting to incarcerate them, offering up a whole lot of forgiveness. Isn't it ironic that a few rocks being thrown through a couple windows grabs so much attention from their side while people who preform abortions, or even work in health clinics where they are preformed, have to wear bullet proof vests to work?
Taken from the pro life action league website. Posted by Ann Scheidler (December 2, 2010 at 6:03 pm)
The broken window in the front of Joe and Ann Scheidler’s Chicago home [Photo by Ann Scheidler]
At a little after 2:00 AM on Thursday morning I awoke to the sound of breaking glass. My first thought was that a shelf must have fallen in the china cabinet. Then I heard it again. Joe and I got up and went downstairs to check out what had happened. We did not suspect anything particularly untoward. I didn’t have my contacts or glasses so I wasn’t seeing to clearly. Everything looked OK. We decided it must have been something outside, so we went back to bed.
Later in the morning when we were about to head to 7:30 Mass, Joe went out front to see if anything looked suspicious. At about the same time that he discovered shards of glass all over our front porch, I discovered a chunk of asphalt and lots of broken glass on the floor in the dining room.
A few minutes earlier I had noticed that the living room seemed a bit cold, but the windows are covered with lace shades so it wasn’t obvious that a window was broken. After finding the dining room break, I checked again in the living room. Sure enough on the floor was a plastic bag with a piece of asphalt and a note in an envelope.Asphalt Accompanied by Cryptic Writings
I opened the envelope to find a message from a troubled woman (women). It started: “We are crazy, feminists bitches….” Clearly it was time to call the police.
A very concerned Chicago police officer arrived shortly. He explained that it wasn’t technically a burglary because no one tried to break it, but since it wasn’t exactly a random act of vandalism, it might fall into the category of a “hate crime.”
Now here I must confess that I do not believe in hate crimes. A crime is a crime. And chances are if you rob someone or hurt him or throw a brick through his window, you probably don’t like him. I don’t think we need layers of crimes with special labels to try to keep order.
It turns out, however, that the “hate crime” label does not fit this particular crime. The explanation? The perpetrator didn’t hate us. She just hated what we stand for. Rather a subtle difference it seems to me. The upshot is there won’t be much investigation unless it happens again.
Fortunately while the police officer was still at our house, a handy man pulled up. He was there to fix a door. I asked him if he was pretty good at windows too and he set about to replace the broken panes and get the storm window repaired.Deathscort Training Session Same Night. Coincidence?
A few hours after the police report had been made, I recalled that the Illinois Choice Action Team (ICAT) had scheduled a training session for clinic escorts to work at Albany clinic where we regularly pray and counsel. The training was held about twenty minutes from our house. Did the ICAT announce our home address to the recruits, or did they come away from the training session in such a frenzy to stop pro-lifers that they decided to pay a visit to the Scheidlers? Who knows.
I called the police station to give them the new piece of information, but the officer on duty thought it was irrelevant because there would be no way to prove that someone from the training was the brick thrower. True, but it certainly seems likely.
A brick through your window is a pretty small price to pay for your beliefs. But there’s no guarantee that that’s where it stops. We are blessed that so many people pray for us on a regular basis. And we have received many calls from pro-life friends with assurance of their prayers. That’s why we aren’t especially unnerved by this act of vandalism. And that’s why we will pray for the post-abortive women who paid us a visit and tossed a couple of bricks. Maybe no one else is praying for them. I hope you’ll join us.
We stand in solidarity with the "crazy feminist bitches" who carried out
this action and hope they continue their good work. Actions like these are
but a taste of the resistance that will eventually over shadow the
delusional anti-choicers who condone hit lists of abortion doctors (The Nuremberg Files) but are astounded when their homes are attacked.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
INSF Collapses After Leadership Exposed as Known Pedophile
Their "success" seemed unchallenged until South Side Chicago ARA came into the picture. With face to face beat downs, multiple infiltrations of their ranks, and public humiliation at their attempted 2010 White Pride march where four nazis from different white nationalist organizations were beaten and arrested, they have been relatively quiet since. After suffering utter defeat they stopped organizing any public events or updating their website, in constant fear of fierce antifa retribution. It is now known that the INSF have disbanded.
Creativity Movement failure James Logsdon (101 Tanner St, Bloomington, IL 61701) gave a more disturbing explanation for the collapse of the INSF: one of their main organizers was discovered to be a convicted pedophile. It has been confirmed that Steve Turpel of the Arlington Heights INSF was imprisoned for kidnapping, rape, and child pornography. After his initial arrest, several other victims came forward detailing Steve's abuse stretching several years, and when Steve's house was raided, a large cache of guns and ammunition were found. Steve was surprisingly acquitted of the rape charges despite community outrage and after his sentence he was back on the streets with "Illinois United" and the INSF organizing barbecue events at his house where he currently lives at 1308 W Northwest Hwy, Arlington Heights, IL 60005. Especially disturbing when teens go to events like an INSF barbeque or the Mokena Fest, or the 2009 St. Patricks Day Parade to be recruited by the likes of Steve Turpel, who probably shouldn't be hanging out with children at all.
Phil Anderson and other INSF members tried to keep this information about one of their leaders a secret, even from other white supremacist organizations. Maybe its because the fact that kidnappers, rapists, and child molesters are attracted to their movement reveals the blatant contradictions of their supposed racial superiority. Or maybe because Steve Turpel's history is as embarrassing and discrediting to the nazi movement as Bill Riccio, Andrew Hengel, Levi Dale Lucas, or John Snyder.
With the collapse of the INSF, James Logsdon is attempting to fill the void by holding several failed meet-and-greet barbecue recruitment events - including their most recent plans for a cross / nazi swastika burning held by Ron Ruhl and Eli James on November 7th near the border of Indiana and Michigan which never happened because their members flaked out. But with all of Logsdon's trash talking of the INSF as being pedophile apologists, it seems Logsdon himself is unable to come to terms with similar allegations with members of his own group. Joel Dufresne, a leading Creativity Movement member, was arrested in 2006 for kidnapping and raping the mother of his son Hale (named after imprisoned WCOTC leader Matt Hale). While Logsdon claims to be one of the few able to stand up to Turpel, he has continuously defended Dufresne.
This hasn't been a good year for the "Reverend" and friends: after having his front teeth knocked out during his second prison sentence, his Creativity friend Brian Moudry (304 S. Reed St Joliet, IL) was arrested in Joliet after wildly waving guns and threatening people, his friend Brother Marshal in the Washington Creators was exposed to be a police informant, and most of his former friends in the World Church of the Creator turned on him and started splinter group Creativity Alliance. No wonder many in what is left of the Creativity Movement is calling into question Logsdon's leadership and want imprisoned Matt Hale to be once again officially recognized as Pontifus Maximus.
And we haven't forgotten about the handful of NSM members in Chicago - NSM Matt, Susan Lenner, Michael Schloer, and others who also attended a few INSF events. They are also feeling the heat being confronted - at their jobs, schools, and at their homes.
While internal and external blows coupled with their own idiocy has left Illinois Nazis highly ineffective and discreditable, things on our side of the fence are looking good. One year later South Side ARA and comrades are hard at work and are still organizing, smashing fascism in the streets. While we have clearly won the war between us and the INSF, the larger struggle against fascism and racist oppression is an uphill battle that we are determined to fight and win.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Iowa Anarchists Shutdown Neo-Nazi Rally in Des Moines
Reposted from Infoshop News:
More than sixty anarchists, antifascists, catholic workers, communists, and everyday people from Iowa City, IA; Des Moines, IA; Omaha, Nebraska; and elsewhere converged in Des Moines on Saturday, November 20 to protest a scheduled ¨White Pride Day¨ rally organized by the American National Socialist Party based in Chillicothe, Ohio. Although a few suspected white nationalists were seen driving around the perimeter of the Iowa state capitol, where the fascist rally was supposed to be held, none apparently had the guts to get out of their cars and risk a confrontation with the large mob of antifascists.
More than sixty anarchists, antifascists, catholic workers, communists, and everyday people from Iowa City, IA; Des Moines, IA; Omaha, Nebraska; and elsewhere converged in Des Moines on Saturday, November 20 to protest a scheduled ¨White Pride Day¨ rally organized by the American National Socialist Party based in Chillicothe, Ohio.
Although a few suspected white nationalists were seen driving around the perimeter of the Iowa state capitol, where the fascist rally was supposed to be held, none apparently had the guts to get out of their cars and risk a confrontation with the large mob of antifascists.
The Des Moines Police Department, Polk County Sherriff´s Department, and unknown federal law enforcement were all monitoring the scene, and some anarchists suspect that at least three men who attended the counter-protest were probably undercover law enforcement officers, due to their appearance and behavior.
The counterprotest was organized on less than two weeks notice, and was generally considered a victory for the loosely-affiiliated anarchist movement in Iowa.
¨Sixty-three people attended the counter-protest which means there were sixty--three different social movements represented here today,¨ said one local anarchist. ¨We not only successfully shut-down the neo-nazi rally, we also successfully demonstrated our strength in numbers and the effectiveness of the decentralized affinity group model of organizing.¨
Word of the ¨White Pride Day¨ rally and the proposed counter-protest were disseminated through Facebook, email, and other online social media, and half a dozen or more affinity groups, representing a wide variety of ideologies and personal styles, and ranging anywhere between four and fourteen people each answered the call.
¨Nazi punks fuck off!¨ yelled one SkinHead Against Racial Prejudice.
Another woman from Des Moines carried a sign that read, ¨Hamsters are taking our jobs.¨
¨I used to have a really great job, running around in a cage and rolling in a ball around the living room,¨ she said. ¨Then a hamster came along and took that job from me, and that´s not right. I don´t think hamsters should be allowed to take our jobs. I´m sick of unicorns, as well, coming around with all their rainbows.¨
Thursday, November 11, 2010
PROTEST Against “Americans For Truth About Homosexuality”
From the Gay Liberation Network
On Saturday, Nov. 13th please join the Gay Liberation Network in protest against the annual banquet of Illinois’s leading anti-gay bigot organization, “Americans For Truth About Homosexuality” (AFTAH).In contrast to many on the far right such as Rev. Rick Warren, AFTAH’s Executive Director Peter LaBarbera is such an unreconstructed hater of LGBT people that he remains one of the few who still publicly support Uganda’s notorious “kill the gays” bill. AFTAH so regularly slanders LGBT people that the Southern Poverty Law Center recently labeled it a “hate group” along with neo-fascists and other haters.
Unfortunately AFTAH is not just a fringe joke group like Fred Phelps of “God Hates Fags” infamy. AFTAH has led two failed attempts to get anti-gay referenda on the Illinois state ballot and closely allies itself with Republican candidates like immigrant-hater Jim Oberweis.
Please help us defeat AFTAH’s hate by exposing it through protest:
5:30 PM
Saturday, Nov. 13
In front of “Christian Liberty Academy”
502 W. Euclid Avenue
Arlington Heights
The protest is just a few blocks away from the “Arlington Heights” Metra stop of the Union Pacific Northwest Line in downtown Arlington Heights. Those traveling from Chicago will meet in front of the Ogilvie Transportation Center Metra Station, 500 W. Madison Street, Chicago at 4 PM sharp – just look for the Pride flag. For info email LGBTliberation@aol.com
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Nazis and the 2010 Elections
While we know there is no hope in electoral politics to achieve revolutionary change, several white supremacists failed miserably attempting to run for office in this past election (although their more mainstream counterparts in the Republican Party managed to secure a few seats in congress). NSM bonehead Jeff Hall couldn't even get on the municipal water board in Riverside, CA, and Tom Metzger in Warsaw, IN failed even harder to mobilize any support at all getting less than 0.1% of the vote in the third congressional district. Indiana Red and Anarchist Skinheads reports:
Indiana - No More Cops, Nazi runs for office - Bash the fash!
In Indiana it has been business on parade as usual, but the 3rd District had a National Socialist run for office this year. America has had a fascination with the west, including John Wayne who was a fucking nazi! The new-age nazi of District 3 was named Tom Metzger. Has been incarcerated in Los Angeles, California as well as in Toronto for involvement with the KKK. Fuck that mother fucker, we hate him cause he's an asshole! In California he ran against Jerry Brown (shows what a sorry ass lot of choices this piece of shit democracy provides!). We have known about the National Socialist presence in Indiana for a while and street fights occassionally break out in the skinhead scene where the nazis want to beat somebody up(not all skinheads are fascists!!!). Tom Metzger did lose, though, getting less than one percent of the vote I believe. Still, America's so straightly set on the bipartisan candidates until this past election when the leftists promised so much Obama were forgotten and they lost the house. I hate to say it, but I saw it coming. America goes back to french fries and the corporate death burger, working day after day, but we are losing fear and organizing. Despite what else has been said here lately, it's not going to be a bunch of steroid injecting weight lifters that will save the day. Martial arts could prove useful though and is encouraged and used in the RASH scene. They don't care, it's day after day of life with the multi death corporation where people work, consume and even relax in front of at night in front of the television.
What we need now though is for there to be no more cops! With costs going up, we will take what we can get of prison reform, but we will continue working for the abolition of prisons as well as the police state. So many of my friends drink to forget, they worked at the factories or even the autoworker factories like me. The recent passing of a Vietnam vet where I live who was always on the brink of homelessness has left us with sadness, yet we are creating an entire new generation of these warriors coming home and many are losing their homes. How could America continue this cycle? We need to stop the wars and take care of those who come home. They want their guns to be silent.
Million of damn conservative christians (not trying to alienate the anarcho-christians or progressive christians) are the reason for fundamental shift to the right towards fascist capitalism in the recent elections. It's a fact, and also the disappointed left that had been such a strong base for the Demopublicans. It doesn't even seem that long ago we told ol' ronnie bye bye. Why haven't the bankers went to jail yet? We have people now that still strongly resemble Henry Kissinger, I don't think I need to elaborate on this.
Anyways, fuck the stupid racist skinheads. The fascist, gay-bashing skinheads like the Vinlanders Social Club that infests Indiana and Ohio, the National Socialist movement of Warsaw, Indiana where Tom Metzger lives and ran from. Also, come on, 100 police motorbike escort for Obama? Did we really elect dirty harry for president? The recent planned construction of I-69 through Indiana's Patoka wildlife refuge, with it's inhabitant endangered Indiana bat, to the deep heart of Texas doesn't seem like a stark contrast despite strong opposition in Bloomington, Indiana. It would be the obvious choice for the fascist capitalists who want to reunite Klu Klux Klan members from Texas to Tom Metzger in Warsaw, Indiana.
Cops who are bigots and thugs are constantly causing problems with the growing meth problem here in Indiana as well. It seems every week or two on the news people I have knew who were killed in a drug bust. We need drug treatment and mental health facilities not more cops! Also, the recent posts about weight-lifting to get strong to beat somebody up is stupid! Those chauvinistic ideas have no place here!
I do not wish to take part in the animal slaughters by eating death burgers, the environmental destruction of forests of Indiana (also now they want to destroy 3,000 acres of old-growth forests for logging!) or the wars that slaughter people every day in foreign lands.
And fuck the rich who hoard and have the money pile! They prefer to leave a legacy of wealth over a legacy of a preserved, uncruel and environmentally sound world. Fuck the cock rockers as well, the major rock stars who enshroud themselves into Pop, that shit sucks! Indiana R.A.S.H. is about creating and being involved in music that doesn't suck! We get involved with the rap, hardcore as well as the anarcho-punk in the scnene. The shades of brown need to be identified in the music roots of the (non-racist, if not antiracist) origins of the skinhead movement, but especially within the anarchist skinhead movement! People of Color need to be included and we have been seeing them at our shows, though, throughout the summer.
The State is living on borrowed time, though, my friends. There will be a time when people will be able to look back at a time of a capitalist that that will be a long time gone. Secret to a long life is knowing when it's time to go. Lastly, we want to remind people that "Nazis shouldn't drive!", as we climb into our bicycles and ride into town today. Ian Stuart, lead singer of racist skinhead band Skrewdriver died in a car accident. Fuck him and fuck the NAFTA superhighway I-69 that is planned to ferry in more racists and big business actions!
3,000 acres of old-growth forests in southern Indiana will be open to logging unless we stop it! Send a letter now! Visit Heartwood petition
Monday, October 18, 2010
"The Minutemen" Film Crew Met with Protests, Eggings and a Shit-filled Pie at Chicago International Film Festival
This just in from Chicago Indymedia:
A new anti-immigrant propaganda film "The Minutemen" is touring the country in an attempt to legitimize the racist violence perpetuated by gun-toting vigilante border patrols. The movie has managed to sneak itself into several film fests and even won a few awards including "Best Documentary" and "Grand Jury Award" at the Brooklyn Film Festival. Disturbingly the film has managed to screen at the Chicago International Film Festival where it also won the "Silver Hugo" award.
The film spotlights the work of the California-based Mountaintop MInutemen led by racist Robert "Lil Dog" Crooks who arms his followers and stalks the US-California border from his RV. The Mountaintop Minutemen were in the news in 2007 for releasing a disturbing film showing the shooting of a Mexican immigrant inside the US border.
The screening took place on October 15-16 and Robert Crooks himself was invited to come speak along with producer Nicholas Weissman and director Corey Wascinski (who were obvious minutemen sympathizers). Although we only had a day notice to prepare for the event, we were able to demonstrate strong opposition to the film in a number of ways.
On the 15th, about ten protesters met Robert Crooks outside the theatre with chants of "No Nazis No KKK No Fascist USA" while holding a banner that said "World Without Borders" while dozens of festival attendees, curious bystanders and security observed. Robert Crooks wasn't hard to spot in full body camoflauge fatigues as he arrogantly taunted the crowd. Later after Crooks had several drinks at the bar, he was slammed with eggs as he was trying to leave the festival.
The film screened again the next day at the same time as protesters marched just a few blocks away on Michigan Avenue for the Midwest Regional Anti-war action. After the march ended, folks headed to the theatre to once again greet the film crew with protest. This time around, we acquired several tickets from a sympathetic festival employee and was able to sneak several subversives inside. As the Q & A session started after the film, several people were able to disrupt Robert Crooks with shouts of "Racist Pig!" to Crooks and the film crew, bringing the screening to an abrupt end as security shut down the Q & A session while struggling to escort protesters outside.
If we had more advance notice of the screening we would have utilized more effective ways to shut down the event if we were not able to convince the Chicago International Film Festival the pull the offensive film entirely.
However, antifas were able to confont one of the three people who spoke on behalf of the film. "The Minutemen" producer Nicholas Weissman thought he was going to be giving an interview about the film to a local newspaper, but instead he screamed in surprise as a pie filled with dog shit was brutally driven into his face: a reminder of what to expect if you attempt to bring racist propaganda to Chicago. Folks are encouraged to call Nicholas Weissman on his cellphone at 818-219-0111 asking him how he enjoyed his just deserts.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Michael Schloer On The Streets: NSM Chicago, Where Are They Now?
Chicago NSM member Michael Schloer is back in town after spending time in Tennessee attending the recent nazi march in Knoxville. Unfortunately for him, this lowlife won't be going back to his old address because he was kicked out of what was once his future wife's home in Naperville. According to her friends and relatives, since Mike moved in to her house he has done nothing but abuse and mooch off her, have his idiot white power friends threaten her, and break his promise to her father on his death bed that he would quit the nazi idiocy. He hasn't, and after we outed his NSM affiliations and personal details to Naperville residents, his girlfriend finally had enough and kicked him out to the streets (but maybe he will be able to move in with some of the girls from hotornot.com he has been exchanging dirty pictures with).
So where are the proud white people of the Chicago NSM now? Susan "Pincushion" Lenner(3144 Boyle Terrace, Apt 4B River Grove, IL 60171-1185) is feeling the heat at her job at Secrets in boystown, NSM Tim Durkan and NSM Matt were both beaten by antifa and subsequently arrested at the embarassing four-man "White Pride" action last March, while Mike is floating around Naperville living out of his black Chevy truck making racist threats on his NewSaxon profile. This is what they're trying to pass as the master race?
From Michael Schloer's NewSaxon profile (view screenshot):
So where are the proud white people of the Chicago NSM now? Susan "Pincushion" Lenner(3144 Boyle Terrace, Apt 4B River Grove, IL 60171-1185) is feeling the heat at her job at Secrets in boystown, NSM Tim Durkan and NSM Matt were both beaten by antifa and subsequently arrested at the embarassing four-man "White Pride" action last March, while Mike is floating around Naperville living out of his black Chevy truck making racist threats on his NewSaxon profile. This is what they're trying to pass as the master race?
From Michael Schloer's NewSaxon profile (view screenshot):
"I had to take some time off for a moment to clear my head and collect my thoughts but now Im back stronger than ever and with a vengence!!! We have ALOT of work to do White man to reclain our country and we can and will united as one so put down the beer and put on your boots, were coming to a town near you !!! Chicago ara beware paybacks are Hell and I'm going to bring it down on ya ALL OF YA ! ! !
HOBBIES: beating the SHlT out of SHITago ara, anti fia and sharp pussies, Your day of the rope is coming,each and every one of ya in SHITcago You done F.U.C.K.E.D with the wrong guy here in IL.
DISLIKES: As if this section needs an explanation ? I will say though I have NO time for the socalled skinheads or klan folks who think this is all about just hanging out like its one big F.UCKING party yet claim to be some stand up street fighting warrior for the 14 words but only come around when theres something in it for them,like the day long or weekend long social events that involve beer,bands bbqs. Yet theres NO shortage of ARA, antifia or sharp scum when WE"RE out doing a march, rally ETC. You contribute NOTHING to this movement except to the expansion of your waisteline you fat ass keg bellied pussies!!! "From "NoNazisInNaperville":
"Report from Naperville: LOTS OF POLICE CARS ON SUGAR COURT on [September] 3rd & 4th! Schloer is barred from the Naperville residence via protection order so we got to watch the police escort him out of the house. The person he lives with told me many times how much she hates him and how controlling & bitter he is. She also hates Nazis & is enjoying the peace and quiet. The fact that he put her and her daughter in danger is disgusting. Rumor has it that he is temporarilly living at Suzie Lenner's or in his truck in Naperville someplace."
"Mike Schloer is in Tennessee but will be in Naperville toward the end of August/beginning of September to gather the last of his pathetic, masking tape covered belongings."From Anonymous:
"Schloer no longer lives @ the Naperville address & is barred from entering the residence. His wife Jennifer has been working on having him legally removed from the residence for quite some time. It took a while to get to that point but you have to be careful with people who advocate kicking their wives' faces in with steel toed boots, ie Drew Bostwick. What a fine, upstanding White man - not! He's probably in Minnesota or Michigan - or floating around Naperville someplace. Let's see if he can get himself to Knoxville for the rally next week... he has plane tickets. Anyone want to give him a ride to the airport??"From Anonymous:
"Hello, Thank you for outting all of those haters. One of them Michael Schloer happens to be living with my sister. My sister is so upset by him. He is always berating and belittling her. I can't stand him. He lives with my niece and it makes my heart hurt. He lied to my family (especially to my father who was on his death bed) saying he would change and leave the group before my sister married him. He even went out and got a job and played the role of a changing person. Needless to say, that did not last long at all. Now all he does is sit in my sister's house and sponge off of her. She is very scared that something is going to happen to her, her daughter, her pets, and or her home now that her address and phone number has been posted. Is she safe? Thank you,"
Friday, September 24, 2010
October 16 Midwest Regional Anti-war March in Chicago
From ChicagoMassAction.org:
On October 16th, please come to Chicago For a Midwest Regional March for Peace and Justice!
Many hoped that the end of the Bush Presidency would mean an end to illegal U.S. wars and a focusing on human needs. Yet nearly two years into the Obama administration, the occupation in Iraq continues, with more private military contractors taking the place of departing soldiers and the world's largest embassy set to squat in the heart of Baghdad.
The "peace president" has dramatically escalated the Afghanistan invasion ? at nine years, America's longest war. He's spread war into Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia. He's supported a brutal coup in Honduras, is building threatening new U.S. military bases in Colombia, and ignores Israel's war crimes against the Palestinians and those seeking to aid them.
The Bush-era attacks on civil liberties have if anything escalated, with Obama pushing for an even more powerful and unaccountable executive branch, assassinating people abroad at a far greater rate, and increasing the deportations of undocumented immigrants by more than 50%.
Yet while the economy continues to stumble, with ever-higher foreclosure rates, stagnate wages and persistent unemployment, the income gap between the rich and the rest of us gets ever wider. Adding insult to injury, President Obama has pledged a domestic spending freeze at the same time that he's brought U.S. military spending to its highest level ever. 57% of the federal budget is spent on war.
On October 16th on the eve of the 2010 bi-elections, please join us in President Obama's home town to demand:
END the Wars & Occupations NOW!
Money for Human Needs, Not Corporate Greed!
The October 16th protest will begin with a short 12:30 PM rally in the heart of Chicago's downtown – Michigan Avenue and Congress Parkway – followed by a march on Chicago's busiest thoroughfares.
For more information, email CCAWR@aol.com
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Racist Glenn Beck Speaking at Right-Wing Hate Fest "Right Nation 2010"
Goebbels, Minister of Propaganda |
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Glenn beck, FOX news propagandist |
This is Beck's first major public appearance since he spoke in DC at a rally called "Restoring Honor" on the same day as MLK's "I Have A Dream" speech in an attempt to appropriate the civil rights struggle. Although Beck initially claimed the date was a coincidence, he has frequently claimed him and his conservative allies to be "the inheritors and the protectors of the civil rights movement" and that the scheduling coincidence is "divine providence" - God's way of saying he is following in MLK's footsteps. But Beck is anything but a pioneer of the civil rights movement and is more symbolic of the rise of the fascist right. He frequently criticizes "big government" and uses vague populist rhetoric but he is very much a supporter of the status-quo and the institutionalized racism that the civil rights movement fought against. This can be seen in his constant xenophobic rhetoric and quest for "white rights" in a society rooted in white supremacy.
Other more blatant examples of Beck's racism include the time that he called Hurricane Katrina survivors "scumbags", calling Cinco de Mayo a "mexican beer holiday", calling the health care bill Obama's idea of "reparations", defending the Constitution's original claim to African Americans being three-fifths of a human, the time he called Obama a racist, and many more. Beck is also not surprisingly very popular amongst neo-nazis, and Beck even once added a stormfront.org post (the largest white supremacist forum) to his twitter favorites. And for the August 28th rally, his tea party assistant Bruce Majors published a visitor's guide advising people to avoid "sketchy" neighborhoods and train lines and "how to deal with African immigrants".
Glenn Beck, however, is not just one bad apple. The tea party and right-wing movement as a whole embraces these same racist tendencies and their intent to spread their hate through gatherings like "Restoring Honor" and "Right Nation 2010" under the guise of freedom and democracy must be confronted every step of the way. We must continue to point out the contradictions and hypocrisies in their reactionary ideology and expose them for what they really are; wolves in sheep's clothing.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Yellow Cab Finally Removes Islamophobic Taxi Cab Ads
The racist organization "Stop Islamization of America", which describes itself as a "human rights group", attempted to spread Islamophobia in Chicago by placing ads with Yellow Cab but eventually the company buckled under community outrage and had the ads removed:
This comes just a few weeks later after anti-Muslim sentiments in NYC boils over to the point of cab drivers being assaulted. North Eastern Federation of Anarcho-Communists (NEFAC) released an analysis of the bigotry involved with the anti-"Ground Zero Mosque" crowd:Anti-Islam Ads Removed from Chicago Taxis: Yellow Cab says ads are offensive to Muslims
A series of controversial ads targeting Islam will be removed from a fleet of Yellow Cab taxis.
The ads were sponsored by a group called "Stop Islamization of America," which claims the U.S. is under attack by Islamic law, reports the Chicago Tribune. The group is also a strong opponent of plans to build a mosque near Ground Zero in New York City.Some of the ads, which appeared on about two-dozen cabs, show women who were allegedly killed by their Muslim fathers for not agreeing to enter into forced marriages. Next to these images is the question: “Is your family threatening you.”
Pamela Geller, leader of Stop Islamization of America, has been quoted as saying Muslims are increasingly taking over schools and other institutions in America. Geller said the ads were directed at "Muslim girls in trouble, living in fear of their lives, struggling to find resources to help,” she told the paper.
Yellow Cab CEO Michael Levine had the signs removed because he said they were offensive to the city's Muslim taxi drivers, reports the Chicago Tribune.
The ads come at a time when Muslims are fighting to build a mosque near Ground Zero in New York City. While President Obama has show support for the plan, Governor Pat Quinn came out against it last week.
Levin says a fleet of independent Yellow Cabs carried the ads. The owner of that fleet was paid by an advertising company to display them on top of the taxis.
Three weeks ago Levin says he called the company to have the ads removed. Yellow Cab was told they were taken down, but according to the Chicago Tribune three ads are still running.
"They will be removed," Levine told the Tribune. "Yellow Cab does not regularly approve advertising content carried by our affiliates, but we do reserve the right to ask them to remove ads that offend either the drivers or the public.”
Islamophobia and the Great “Ground Zero Mosque” Myth by Deric Shannon
Given the public reaction, there are some rather serious problems with the “Ground Zero Mosque” myth that need to be stated (as often as possible)—some obvious and some not-so-obvious and perhaps even some lessons to be learned from it.
Since the 9/11 terrorist attacks and following the “War on Terror”, “islamophobia” has become an increasingly familiar term in the United States—and with good reason. Crimes committed against Muslims because of their faith rose steadily from 2001 through 2005 according to studies, and they don’t seem to have dropped significantly since [1]. Muslims in the US have reported attacks, racist slurs, police detentions and searches that were unprovoked, employment and housing discrimination, and so on. Since George W. Bush declared his “crusade” against terrorism (a particularly prescient turn of phrase) the xenophobia common in nations at war has amped up here in the United States.
The demonization of a people as if they are a monolithic mass during war time is as old as nation-states and their wars. In the US now, we are currently seeing this combined with another unsurprising and common set of events: A media and politician-generated hysteria close to campaign time. This is, after all, one of the ways that politicians swindle people into supporting them at the polls come voting time. And so, at the announcement of building an Islamic Center in Lower Manhattan, reports from political pundits started rolling in about the “Ground Zero Mosque”—continuing toward their November crescendo. Within the last few weeks, the hysteria has gotten louder and louder as a result of some high profile (and disturbing) protests and actions—some connected directly to the controversy in NYC, others apparently organized just from the sheer inertia of the rising anti-Muslim sentiment.
To name one example close to home for me personally, a group of right-wing Christians called “Operation Save America” descended on the Bridgeport Islamic Center here in Connecticut (where I live) a couple of weeks ago [2]. One protestor there told reporters that “(t)here’s a war in America” and they “plan on taking it to the mosques around the country.” They were carrying placards reading things like “Islam is a Lie” and could be heard screaming “Jesus hates Muslims!” One protestor was even heard yelling “Murderers!” at young children leaving the center.
Given the public reaction, there are some rather serious problems with the “Ground Zero Mosque” myth that need to be stated (as often as possible)—some obvious and some not-so-obvious and perhaps even some lessons to be learned from it.
The first problem is that there isn’t really a “Ground Zero Mosque”. No, seriously. There isn’t one. There is a proposed Islamic Center a few blocks away. Plans were for there to be basketball courts, spaces for community education, a space for worship, and even a memorial for the victims of 9/11 (!!) in the building. Further, the building would not be visible from the site where the World Trade Center once stood. The discourse around the “Ground Zero Mosque” is so obviously a blatant deception that the AP has re-thought the ways it shaped the headlines and is now taking steps to stop using the phrase [3]. Of course, that hasn’t stopped the political class and their pundit lackeys from using the term to describe their manufactured version of reality.
The second big problem with the Myth is the claim that the Islamic Center has some relationship with Jihadists who want to destroy America. Right-wing blogger, Pamela Geller, for example, refers to the Center as an “Islamic supremacist mosque at…hallowed ground” and suggests that Obama supports “Islamic Jihadists” by coming out in favor of building the center [4]. Robert Spencer uses the even more grandiose “Islamic Supremacist Ground Zero Mega-mosque” to describe the center, bringing to mind the vast mega-churches common in the United States, but ostensibly being dedicated to a jihadist Islamicist faith that encourages killing innocents and wiping the USA off the map [5].
There are a couple of problems with this part of the politico-generated hysteria. First and foremost, the Imam of the proposed center, Feisal Abdul Rauf, speaks internationally on the dangers of extremism. As I write this piece, Rauf is touring the Middle East speaking out against terrorism. He was likewise seen as a State Department ally during the Bush presidency and funded for similar tours under G.W. He has condemned the 9/11 terrorist attacks as “un-Islamic” and gave a memorial speech for Daniel Pearl (the American journalist who was kidnapped and murdered by Islamic terrorists). Rauf is also a Sufi, a group of Muslims more known for their mysticism than their militancy. But “truth” is more an approximation in the media, particularly among liberal and conservative pundits when their candidates are running for office. In any case, Rauf is hardly a model for Islamic terrorism.
Further, peer-reviewed studies have shown that such Islamic Centers actually help to counter terrorism. And so in the twisted logic of political opportunism, a portion of the American public is manipulated into showing their outrage at Islamic terrorists by opposing something that would likely help prevent Islamic terrorists! One study, done by researchers for Duke and UNC, concluded by encouraging the creation of such community centers in order to help integrate Muslim youth into society and decrease feelings of isolation [6]. Again, rather than a symbol for fundamentalism or a catalyst for extremism, these centers more often help stem Islamic terrorism (and weren’t we supposed to be at war with “terrorism”, anyway?).
Another problem with the discourse around the proposed center is the claim that it is “insensitive” to the victims of 9/11 or their families (though, as we’ve already seen, the rhetoric doesn’t always stop at “insensitive”). How could “Muslims” build this center at ground zero?—so the questions go—Don’t “they” know that “they’re” gonna offend the families of the victims of 9/11? Doesn’t it speak volumes about “these people” that “they’d” do this? And so on. In the last few weeks I’ve heard too many of these kinds of claims about “those people”, etc.
I was trained as a sociologist and, while a good part of what I learned in that training was to be suspicious of sociologists, one concept that comes from social scientists is pertinent here—the concept of “the Other.” Scholars as diverse as Sartre, Lacan, and de Beauvoir have written about how humans come to understand their “selves”, often in relation to other communities that we construct as “foreign” or “different” and, oftentimes, subordinate and “barbaric.” Through this process of creating a mythological and queer (in the sense of being strange) contrast, we come to construct (and understand) our selves. A part of this process is homogenizing groups that we have deemed “Other” and failing to see any differentiation within those groups.
This is where the discourse around “Muslims” being responsible for 9/11 and “them” knowing better than to put one of “their” social centers close to Ground Zero comes from. While we all know that it was fundamentalist Muslims who committed the terrorist attacks of 9/11—a subset of a fairly diverse Islam—it follows the homogenizing project of “Othering” to lump Muslims together as a single, monolithic group and to then hold them collectively responsible (particularly during war time and close to the political machinations so common during campaign time). For most Americans, Christianity is normal and Islam is “Other” because Christianity is common in our society. We make pledges on the Bible in our courts. Churches are a ubiquitous sight, where mosques are not. Many of us, our families, and our loved ones are Christians of one sort or another. So when we read about an abortion clinic being bombed, we know that “Christians” aren’t responsible for it, but Christian fundamentalists. When we hear about Catholics erecting a statue in honor of the victims of the Oklahoma City Federal Building, we don’t get offended because “Catholics” were responsible for the attack in the form of Timothy McVeigh. We differentiate between Christians because Christianity has become such an important part of how we see our selves. And so the entire idea of “Muslims” knowing better than to be so insensitive and build this Islamic center is problematic—it projects a collective guilt onto all Muslims who likely differentiate between themselves, while we fail to. And, again, these problems are compounded by the media circus near campaign time, the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq (two nations that never attacked the USA) and the xenophobic sentiment whipped up in order to manufacture the consent of the American people for these wars.
I might take a moment here, too, to explain that I’m not religious. I was brought up with a particularly virulent form of fundamentalist Christianity that was psychologically destructive, shaming, and often times just outright ridiculous (I remember one friend who was forbidden from watching the cartoon “The Smurfs” by his parents because they were “demonic”). I’m not a fan of religion in general, so I don’t want this to seem like advocacy for religious centers of any kind. However, I do recognize that not all forms of Christianity are the same—and neither are all forms of Islam—which is essentially what is being suggested here.
I think there are a couple of lessons in this manipulated hysteria for us too, even if they are lessons that we should already have learned. One is about the need for independent media of our own. Too often we allow for-profit news services to influence us in subtle ways. Our news sources are the media arm of politicians and the wealthy and they reflect a very narrow spectrum of political ideas. This is a very old insight, one impressively demonstrated in Herman and Chomsky’s famous book “Manufacturing Consent” [7]. We need to be able to provide counter-narratives to their claims and support independent media that adds our voices to the media circus.
Secondly, we need to rise above the bait of our bosses and politicians. It serves the interests of our rulers for working people to be divided over superficial nonsense like the building of a community center. It is when exploited, oppressed, and ruled people come together and actively resist their rulers that change starts to happen. Throughout history, the dispossessed have found common cause in fighting the people that ruled over us. But we have only done so when we were able to wake up from the deep sleep eagerly provided to us by the people who rule us and largely own and operate the globe.
Finally, we might use this particular media-generated hysteria to think about the ways that we might best intervene in our social world. The economy is in crisis, so we’re told (for our natural environment, for disappearing species, and for billions of people throughout the world living in hunger and privation capitalism is always a crisis), and while masses of people are being laid off and evicted from their homes around us, many of us are arguing over a community center. The fact that our rulers wield this kind of ideological power over us, even in a time like this, is cause for critical reflection. How is it that liberals and conservatives have so captured the public mind? Why are we seeing this hard turn toward xenophobia and Othering at this particular historical juncture? In what ways might we substantively address the cultural divide being forced onto people from above?
I don’t think we have adequate answers to those questions. But I do think that through struggle and study we can learn together to dispel some of these illusions that are peddled to us.
The myth of the “Ground Zero Mosque” and the Islamophobia that surrounds it are media-generated products of a state at war during campaign time. The myth represents some of the worst kinds of “Othering” associated with the hyper-patriotism that followed 9/11 in the United States. At a recent protest against the proposed center in New York City, protestors could be seen jeering, yelling at, and threatening one dark-skinned worker for being “Muslim”—even after he explained to these (largely white) protestors that he was not [8]. The problems here are obvious. We need to be countering these media-generated myths.
1. See for example http://www.antiwar.com/lobe/?articleid=5931
2. http://www.ctpost.com/news/article/Angry-protesters-descend-on-mosque-60... . Also, for another example of these “controversies” in Southern California see http://www.time.com/time/nation/article/0,8599,2012134,00.html
3. http://news.yahoo.com/s/yblog_upshot/20100819/pl_yblog_upshot/ap-advises...
4. http://atlasshrugs2000.typepad.com/atlas_shrugs/2010/08/obama-backs-911-...
6. http://usahitman.com/study-build-mosques-to-prevent-islamic-radicalism/
7. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manufacturing_Consent:_The_Political_Econom...
8. Video for this shameful incident can be found here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EwaNRWMN-F4&feature=player_embedded
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Chicago Anti-Fascists Attack Secrets

On August 22nd around 2pm Chicago antifascists gathered in front of secrets to protest Suzy M Lenner, a member of the National Socialist movement, and the store itself for not only employing the known Neo Nazi but for actively trying to cover up her racist, sexist, genocidal politics.
The antifascists distributed fliers to people in the area before being approached by two secrets employees and a man claiming to be the owner. The first employee, who admitted not only to Suzy working there but also to the fact that Secrets knows she's a Nazi, asked us to not stand in front of the store and stated "yall do your thing why can't she do hers" and "I've seen her be nice to black people at work". The second employee who came out was a bit more hostile and tried to deny her working there even though the first employee openly admitted to it. Shortly after, a guy who claimed to be the owner came out of a taxi, ripped fliers from Protesters hands and began screaming in peoples faces in a fit of rage. Just seconds after his arrival the second employee, the owner and the store itself were pelted with a barrage of eggs leaving them even angrier than before. Once again all the antifa managed to make a clean get away just before police arrived.
Chicago anti fascists and anti-racist continue to ask for a boycott of Secrets and demand that she resign or be fired. No matter what her work status is we will continue to confront Suzy(and any other Nazis who cross our path) in the streets, on-line and even where she lives at 910 Beau DR, Unit 304 Des plaines, IL 60016-5831
Happy easter from Chicago!
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Creativity Movement leader Brian Moudry Arrested for Waving Weapons at Children
Brian Moudry with James Logsdon |
Just a month after threatening a black postal carrier, local Creativity Movement member Brian Moudry was arrested for waving a weapon at a kid outside his home at 304 S. Reed St in Joliet, IL. Moudry also plays, or played, guitar and vocals in National Socialist black metal(nsbm) band Xenophobia under the Alias warhead jewdriver. One People's Project reports:As one Nazi dies, another takes his place - on Ye Olde Chopping Block. We reported a few weeks ago that one of the Creativity Movement's luminaries Brian Moudry was being investigated for threatening a black postal worker because he wasn't receiving his mail. Well now the US Postal Service can forward his mail to his new address at the county jail. This comes because on Sunday the Creatard decided he would threaten someone else - this time a boy in his neighborhood with a gun. The cops didn't get him on the threat to the postal worker, but they told him to knock this crap off. Well not only he didn't, but he acted like the bonehead he was when police came to question him about this latest threat. They stayed for 90 minutes, said screw it, came back with an arrest warrant on Monday and took him away. A search of his home turned up a BB gun. Creatards. They never seem to fail in the comedy. Never.
An August 17th Herald News article:
White supremacist arrested
August 17, 2010 By BRIAN STANLEY bstanley@stmedianetwork.com
JOLIET -- A white supremacist leader has been arrested after allegedly threatening a boy with a weapon .
Neighbors told police they saw Brian J. Moudry, 33, run at 8 p.m. Sunday into the road in front of his house at 304 S. Reed St.
"He was holding (what looked like) a silver handgun and yelling at someone who had just ridden near his residence," Chief Fred Hayes said.
Witnesses were unable to describe the ethnicity of the boy, who fled from the armed man.
"Mr. Moudry was standing outside the doorway when officers arrived, but went inside and refused to exit the house or talk to them," Hayes said. "As police established a perimeter, the subject began yelling statements about white supremacy from inside."
Moudry had claimed to be the local leader of the Creativity Movement, a white supremacist group.
Police remained at the scene until around 9:30 p.m. Sunday before determining Moudry was not going to shoot anyone from inside his home.
"We obtained an arrest warrant for unlawful use of a weapon and took him into custody around noon Monday," Lt. Brian Dupuis said.
Moudry allowed police to search his home.
"We found the remnants of a silver bb gun inside that matched the description of the weapon witnesses saw him with," Dupuis said.
Bomb allegations
On July 17, Moudry reportedly threatened to bomb a mail truck after having trouble restarting his mail delivery.
Moudry was questioned by federal postal inspectors.
No criminal charges were filed, but he was "encouraged to behave," reports said.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
South Side Chicago ARA Reportback on July 31st Day of Action
Chicago-area anti-racist organizations came together for the July 31st Day of Action Against Racism and Fascism, organizing a variety of actions and events.
During the day, South Side Chicago ARA hosted a meet-and-greet barbecue event with like-minded anti-racists. We ate awesome vegan food, played games, and distributed literature. In attendance were members from Bring The Ruckus, North Side ARA, Four Star Anarchist Organization, Iowa City’s Wild Rose Collective, and a handful of other anti-racists and antifas. After the barbecue, folks supported a local punk show benefitting Anarchist People of Color (APOC) and tabled with literature and an updated “Know Your Illinois Nazis” posters.
Additionally, we released detailed personal information on several Illinois area nazis including members of the National Socialist Movement(NSM) and “White Boy Society”, reminding them that they will no longer be able to organize and spread their hate in secrecy. In the week prior to the 31st, we also flyered the neighborhoods of several nazi scum to inform their neighbors of their involvement in hate groups.
On July 29th, members of ARA participated in a national day of action against SB1070 and rallied at Cook County Jail, where hundreds gathered to demand a moratorium on deportations. Cook County Jail has frequently been found violating prisoner’s human and civil rights resulting in numerous lawsuits and criminal investigations, and is also the major place in Chicago where ICE and local police collaborate to deport immigrants using “immigrant holds“.
Other Chicago revolutionary groups participated in the July 31st Day of Action by organizing several actions throughout the day. In the morning, members of Four Star Anarchist Organization distributed flyers and spoke with community members near the CVS at 26th and Pulaski where Anthony Kyser, an unemployed person of color and father, was murdered by the hands of a CVS manager for stealing crayons and toothpaste while a Cook County Jail Correctional Officer (CO) pointed a gun at Kyser. In the evening, members from Bring The Ruckus flyered Rogers Park informing neighbors about Soren Renner, a white supremacist who lives in the area and actually spotted and confronted the creep while he was slinking around the Heartland Cafe.
Finally, we also released a zine documenting much of the work we’ve done over past year. We hope that this publication will start a larger discussion in strategizing ways we can more effectively combat all forms of oppression in our city. (View the zine online or download the printable PDF version).
We are satisfied about how folks came together in Chicago for the Day of Action – both taking the offensive against known white supremacists while also organizing against broader forms of racist injustice in society. We are also excited to hear reports coming in from other ARA chapters about how their actions went . We expect great things throughout the year.
Fascists beware, we are here to stay. Always on the prowl, South Side ARA!
ADDENDUM: Four Star Anarchist Organization has posted their July 31st reportback:
During the day, South Side Chicago ARA hosted a meet-and-greet barbecue event with like-minded anti-racists. We ate awesome vegan food, played games, and distributed literature. In attendance were members from Bring The Ruckus, North Side ARA, Four Star Anarchist Organization, Iowa City’s Wild Rose Collective, and a handful of other anti-racists and antifas. After the barbecue, folks supported a local punk show benefitting Anarchist People of Color (APOC) and tabled with literature and an updated “Know Your Illinois Nazis” posters.
Additionally, we released detailed personal information on several Illinois area nazis including members of the National Socialist Movement(NSM) and “White Boy Society”, reminding them that they will no longer be able to organize and spread their hate in secrecy. In the week prior to the 31st, we also flyered the neighborhoods of several nazi scum to inform their neighbors of their involvement in hate groups.
On July 29th, members of ARA participated in a national day of action against SB1070 and rallied at Cook County Jail, where hundreds gathered to demand a moratorium on deportations. Cook County Jail has frequently been found violating prisoner’s human and civil rights resulting in numerous lawsuits and criminal investigations, and is also the major place in Chicago where ICE and local police collaborate to deport immigrants using “immigrant holds“.
Other Chicago revolutionary groups participated in the July 31st Day of Action by organizing several actions throughout the day. In the morning, members of Four Star Anarchist Organization distributed flyers and spoke with community members near the CVS at 26th and Pulaski where Anthony Kyser, an unemployed person of color and father, was murdered by the hands of a CVS manager for stealing crayons and toothpaste while a Cook County Jail Correctional Officer (CO) pointed a gun at Kyser. In the evening, members from Bring The Ruckus flyered Rogers Park informing neighbors about Soren Renner, a white supremacist who lives in the area and actually spotted and confronted the creep while he was slinking around the Heartland Cafe.
Finally, we also released a zine documenting much of the work we’ve done over past year. We hope that this publication will start a larger discussion in strategizing ways we can more effectively combat all forms of oppression in our city. (View the zine online or download the printable PDF version).
We are satisfied about how folks came together in Chicago for the Day of Action – both taking the offensive against known white supremacists while also organizing against broader forms of racist injustice in society. We are also excited to hear reports coming in from other ARA chapters about how their actions went . We expect great things throughout the year.
Fascists beware, we are here to stay. Always on the prowl, South Side ARA!
ADDENDUM: Four Star Anarchist Organization has posted their July 31st reportback:
July 31st, “Action Against Fascism and Racism” report by Daniel C
In response to the July 31 Call to Action Against Fascism and Racism, members of Four Star Anarchist Organization brought attention to the murder of Anthony Kyser, an unemployed African-American barber, outside of a CVS Pharmacy in the Little Village Neighborhood of Chicago in May. Kyser was choked to death by the manager of the CVS in an alley for stealing toothpaste and crayons. Four Star Anarchist Organization was appalled not only by this senseless act of violence against a working-class person of color, but also by the fact that the manager that murdered Kyser was not held accountable for his actions.
Four Star Anarchist Organization chose to respond by hanging a banner with a painted picture of Anthony Kyser at the CVS location and talking to people on the street outside of the store. We arrived at the location at noon, and were joined by members of the Iowa City-based anarchist group Wild Rose Collective that came to Chicago to participate in our efforts. When we asked people walking by the CVS about their thoughts on the murder, reactions ranged from shock at just having heard about it for the first time to people who remembered when Kyser was murdered and knew him personally. We also listened to people talk about racism, capitalism, unemployment, imperialism, and other issues that affect working-class people today. After spending a little over an hour at this location, we moved to the nearby North Lawndale neighborhood (where Kyser lived) and continued to talk to people about his murder. By the end of our action, we made contact with a number of people who wished to be informed about any further organizing efforts.
Afterwards, some members of Four Star moved on to a barbecue hosted by South Side Chicago Anti-Racist Action in the Lakeview neighborhood, where we mingled with members of Wild Rose Collective, North Side Chicago Anti-Racist Action, and Bring The Ruckus. While eating lunch, we talked about upcoming anti-racist and anti-fascist events and received recently published literature on local anti-fascist work from ARA and anti-fascist music compilations from Bring The Ruckus.
Overall, our participation in the July 31 Day of Action Against Fascism and Racism saw members of Four Star out in the streets talking (and listening) to people about how racism and capitlism affect our lives and making contact with other local groups working towards radical change.
Monday, August 2, 2010
Protests against "Americans for Truth About Homosexuality"
This week, the homophobic hate group "Americans For Truth About Homosexuality" is launching it's "Truth Academy" in an attempt to legitimize hate-filled bigotry against LGBTQ folk. A coalition of organizations including the Gay Liberation Network is organizing a demonstration on the first day of their conference.
August 5 Protest Against Americans For Truth About Homosexuality
7:30 PM in front of Christian Liberty Academy, 502 W. Euclid Avenue, Arlington Heights, IL.
For those traveling from Chicago, we will be meeting in front of the Ogilvie Transportation Center, 500 W. Madison, at 6 PM sharp
The opening banquet / lecture that was to have kicked off the anti-gay "academy" of "Americans For Truth About Homosexuality" (AFTAH) has apparently been cancelled. All references to the banquet, originally scheduled for Wednesday, August 4th at the AFTAH headquarters in Carol Stream, have been removed from the AFTAH website.
Therefore AFTAH's anti-gay "academy," scheduled to begin August 5th, will now be the target of our protest. We are changing the time, date & location of our protest to 7:30 PM sharp, Thursday, August 5 in front of the Christian Liberty Academy, 502 W. Euclid Ave., Arlington Heights, to coincide with the "Special Thursday evening presentation" that AFTAH is holding on the first day of their "academy."
For those of you traveling with us from Chicago to the protest, we will be meeting at 6 PM sharp, Thursday, August 5th in front of the Ogilvie Transportation Center, 500 W. Monroe Street, Chicago, to take the Metra train to the protest – just look for the rainbow flag!
As many people had made arrangements to attend our protest at the old date / place / time, please spread the word about the new info for the protest!
For more information, email the Gay Liberation Network at LGBTliberation@aol.com
Beginning August 5th a group which calls itself Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH) is organizing what they call an “academy” to “train young people (as well as older pro-family advocates) how to answer ‘gay’ activist misinformation and fight the homosexual-bisexual-transsexual agenda.”
AFTAH has a long history of telling lies about Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) people and recently was designated a “hate group” by the Southern Poverty Law Center. AFTAH’s literature about their forthcoming “academy” calls the LGBT rights movement “destructive to America” and invites people to donate money to fund scholarships for people as young as 14-years-old to attend.
Youth should not be taught to hate their peers and thus fuel the cycle of self-loathing, depression and suicide which too many LGBTQ youth experience. Bigotry must be vocally and publicly opposed, especially when haters try to recruit young people.
In difficult economic times, the message of hating any minority is especially dangerous and must be forthrightly opposed.
The protest is co-sponsored by the Gay Liberation Network, DuPage NOW, Woodstock/McHenry County PFLAG, La Voz de los de Abajo and Join the Impact - Chicago.
For more information, email LGBTliberation@aol.comWHY we are protesting vs. "Americans For Truth About Homosexuality" CHANGED Time, Date and Place for the Protest vs. AFTAH West Suburban Anti-Gay Group's Website Labeled a "Hate Group" By Southern Poverty Law Center
Saturday, July 31, 2010
July 31: Outing Illinois-area White Supremacists
We believe that one part of a strategy in fighting fascism is exposing and targeting key leaders of right-wing extremists on an individual basis - where they live, work, and frequent. In the past we have exposed and confronted a number of neo-nazis. For the July 31st Day of Action Against Racism and Fascism, we once again took the offensive against several white power organizers in the Chicago area by releasing their information and pictures.
We have released an updated "Know Your Illinois Nazis" poster with some new info and faces we have uncovered. Here are a few other white supremacist profiles from our intelligence files, many of which have recently organized and attended recent racist gatherings such as the Hitler birthday celebration, Nordic Fest held in Mokena, IL, and "Illinois United" barbeque events.
We'll start with a 10 year veteran of the National Socialist Movement(NSM), a former military man who is active in organizing racist hate gatherings both locally and nationally:
Now moving along to another NSM member and former Klansman who was one of the four boneheads defeated at the 2010 "White Pride World Wide" march in Chicago:Michael J. Schloer(alias Mike Schmidt, Mike Schloer, harleyrebel88) Download his FlyerFormer MN Addr: 420 S Lake Street Apt 8 / Forest Lake, MN 55025 651-335-8814Home phone: 630 946 6861
- 10 year leader for the National Socialist Movement(NSM)
- Was in the Navy from 89 to 93, recently worked overseas for KBR / Halliburton, communicates with other nazis in the military
- Organized and attended dozens of major white supremacist rallies, concerts and other gatherings including the recent April 17th Los Angeles NSM 2010 national conference and rally and the 9/26/09 Belleville courthouse Nazi rally protesting "black on white hate crimes"
Now looking at an old-school nazi who was convicted of multiple hate crimes who is trying to get active again with other Illinois-area white supremacists:Tim Durkan
(alias: "Sgt." Sean Finnerty, hoodedstormtroop)
Phone: 312 504 7201 (formerly 630 709 6446)
Birthday: December 09, 1979
Email: chicagobrownshirt@yahoo.com
Address: (verified March 2008) 6301 N Sheridan Rd / Chicago, IL 60660
- Was arrested at the failed 2010 "White Pride World Wide" march in Chicago
- Attended numerous Christian Identity(CI) meetings, Wisconsin NSM anti-gay protests, former member of Church of the National Knights KKK
- Went to Willowbrook H.S. in Villa Park, Illinois Institute of Art in Chicago
And finally, the leader of the racist motorcycle gang "White Boy Society" which has chapters in several states:Patrick L. Langballe (30s, male) 1936 Schiller Ave / Wilmette, IL 60091-2322
(Former address: 1494 Asbury Ave., Winnetka, IL)
(847) 920-9791
- Was an active member of white supremacist "World Church of the Creator" (Langballe pictured with Matt Hale)
- Did prison time for multiple hate crime convictions involving attacking a lesbian couple and numerous acts of Nazi graffiti
- Recently released a youtube video of himself mocking Illinois-area "Juliet Skynbird"
Bill DeBoer
Alias: William, localwhiteboy, maddog316
16584 N. IL. HWY 37 Lot 90
Mt. Vernon, IL. 62864
Phone: 618-315-8508
- Leader of "White Boy Society", a racist motorcycle gang classified as a Hate Group by the Southern Poverty Law Center. View the White Boy Society Internal Bylaws (mirror)
- Organized 9/26/2009 Nazi protest at Belleville, IL courthouse against "black-on-white hate crimes"
- Runs several white supremacist websites: whiteboysociety.net, legion14.com, abatefreedomriders.com, and more
- Member of the Outlaws, Black Pistons, and Freedom Riders Abate of Illinois motorcycle clubs
- Affiliated with National Socialist Movement(NSM) in Wisconsin and Springfield, MO, Imperial Klans of America, and member of the former National Alliance, St. Louis Chapter
Don't let the number of these various factions mislead you: it's usually the same handful of boneheads in each of them. And despite their claims of dedication to the preservation of their race, there is more than one snitch in their ranks. But whenever they try to organize - in public or in secrecy - we will be there to expose and confront them.
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