Speaking at this year's Hitler gathering is James Logsdon who was just released from prison for the second time. He has been with imprisoned Matt Hale's World Church of the Creator for many years and is currently the main contact for the "Creativity Movement" as it is currently named. Since he is trying to jump back into the game, here's his full info:
James Logsdon
Email: comes88@yahoo.com
Phone: 309-830-9485
Current address:
1233 holiday rd Bloomington, Illinois 61704
Full Name: James A. Logsdon, Jr.
Date of Birth: 01-24-1980 Weight: 190 lbs. Height: 5 ft. 09 in.
Tattos: "Thug Life" (chest), "FTW" (left arm), Skull and scorpion (right arm), tribal art(abdomen), and a dolphin on his right leg.
His landlord in Zion: Bogda (847) 662-7172
Now looking at another speaker at last weekend's birthday celebration Patrick Leyland from the northwest side of Chicago. He has been attending "Illinois United" meetings and suffered defeat at the four-man "White Pride World Wide" march last month. From our intelligence files:
- Currently the elected "Pontifus Maximus" of the Creativity Movement (although there are many splits in TCM and many do not regard James as that capable or significant of a leader)
- Was former head of the "White Berets" which attempted to provide security for white power gatherings and rallies
- Was approached by the Secret Service about a possible plot to attack Obama and Obama supporters in Grant Park after the November 2008 elections because right-wing radio host and neo-nazi Hal Turner snitched him out
- Featured in "White Terror" a documentary on white supremacist movements calling for racial holy war
- Was convicted of reckless homicide in 1998 in which he was sentenced to six years, and was recently released in February 2010 after doing three months for a DUI and driving with a suspended license. (Look up on IDOC with prison number K65458 for full criminal background)
We've already humiliated Philip Anderson of the Illinois National Socialist Front a number of times but since Bill White's main man is still propping himself up as a prominent organizer of "Illinois United" here's his info once more:Patrick Leyland
Home address(Verified 4/20/2010):
3520 N. Rutherford
Chicago IL, 60634
Phone: 773-875-4556
Email: hamburgsv88@YAHOO.COM
Pictures 1, 2, 3 and 4
- Organized the 2009 and 2010 Hitler Birthday celebrations
- Attended the 2010 "White Pride World Wide" march in Chicago, IL
- Attended the February 27th Hammerskins white power show in Lansing, MI with other Chicago nazis
- Organizes Christian Identity (CI) gatherings at the Staropolska Restaurant (5249 West Belmont Avenue, Chicago - (773) 736-52300 )
- Is about to graduate from Northern Illinois University(NIU) and is currently taking Political Science 383 - Changing World Political Economy.
- Has "tattoos that would be banned in Germany"
Address: 804 E. Marietta Ave / Peoria Heights, IL 61616-6316Phone: 1-309-370-3766 309-740-1433Email: illinoisnsf@yahoo.com or phildo88rancid@hotmail.com
- Organized Belleville IL Protest against "black-on-white hate crime", attempted "White Pride World Wide" 2010 Chicago march, September 2008 nazi protest against Elie Wiesel speech, and Nazi recruitment barbecues in Arlington Heights, Palantine, and Peoria
- Spoke at 2009 and 2010 Hitler birthday celebration
- Was member of Bill White's American National Socialist Worker's Party (ANSWP)
- Attends web development classes at Illinois Central College in Peoria
Then we have the old and washed up racist Arthur Jones who once proclaimed "Homosexuals have to realize they have a place in society, and that place is back in the closet", describing his group "America First Committee" a "patriotic, anti-Communist, white racial idealist organization". After decades of racism and homophobia, this proud Vietnam veteran is still on the nazi speaking circuit so here's his info:
Arthur J Jones
Born January 4th, 1948 from Beloit, Wisconsin
Phone: 773 586 1433
- Ran failed campaigns for Illinois 3rd Congressional District in 2006 as a Republican, Mayor of Milwaukee as the National Socialist White People's Party, and other electoral offices
- Organizer for "America First Committee", "National Socialist White People's Party", and most recently Bill White's American National Socialist Worker's Party
- Protested the 1982 Chicago Gay Pride Parade with other neo-nazi groups
- A member of "Illinois United" and a speaker at the 2009 and 2010 Hitler birthday celebration
Bringing us to another relic of racist history is Eli James, "pastor" of the Christian Identity(CI) movement. We hoped he would have called it quits after antifa shut down their attempted conference in New York but he popped back up on our radar having attended "Illinois United" meetings:
Eli James
Cell phone: 312-852-4441
Email: eli-james@sbcglobal.net
- Main organizer for the "Church of Anglo-Saxon Israel"
- Attends "Illinois United" meetings and spoke at the 2009 and 2010 Hitler Birthday celebrations
- Affiliated with other neo-nazis from Aryan Nations and National Alliance who were responsible for shooting up a Holocaust museum and various murders, assaults and robberies

Other attendees for this year's Hitler celebration include "Tim" from the Imperial Klans of America (Chicagobrownshirt@yahoo.com), "Matt" and other members from the Chicago National Socialist Movement(nsm.chicago@yahoo.com, bloodwarriorss88@yahoo.com), the Illinois "Aryan Terror Brigade" (atbillinois88@yahoo.com), and "Josh" from Blood & Honour (bloodandhonour_nj@hotmail.com).
Although we are not responsible if anyone acts on any of this information, we want to remind people how effective militant confrontations are in disrupting white power groups and driving the racists out of town. A warning to those who would follow the footsteps of imprisoned Nazi leaders Matt Hale and Bill White, you are not anonymous and you will not be able to organize in our communities.
If you have any other information on these or other active fascists in your area, please contact us at southsidechicagoara@hushmail.com.