The ARA Network is pleased to announce it is putting together a compilation disc of supporting musicians to raise money for our war chest, which will be used to support members and comrades with legal fees. This is a call out for bands, rappers, poets, anyone who wants to support ARA, and get their music and message out there, to submit their tracks.
Email address to ask questions and/or submit mp3 directly to:
One track per band, submitted with lyrics, along with contact information, and your logo, if you have one.
TWO copies of the CD, free
THEY can buy copies at a discounted rate in order for yourselves to promote and sell.
ALL their information that is desired to be listed in the cd and the website
With this disc, we hope to further a culture of anti-fascism, while furthering our ability to support those arrested for struggling against fascism. They will be available to buy online, and at anti-racist events, like ROCK AGAINST RACISM.
Support the Tinley Park 5
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Call For Phone Jam Against AFTAH Event On October 27th!
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1217 Bainbridge Drive, Naperville IL |
Taken from Chicago Indymedia:
Shut down keynote speaker Dr. Judith Reisman at AFTAH event on October 27!
On October 27th AFTAH ( Americans For Truth About Homosexuality), a notoriously homophobic organization started by Peter LaBarbera based in the suburbs of Chicago will once again be hosting a banquet dinner at the Christian Liberty Academy in Arlington heights, IL (502 W. Euclid Ave., Arlington Heights, IL 60004). AFTAH was listed as an active hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center back in 2010. Despite this information being made public the Christian Liberty Academy has continuously allowed AFTAH to host events at their church, making it a safe space for hate speech. We are urging everyone to participate in a call in to the Christian Liberty Academy and AFTAH offices urging them to shut down this event. Hate speech will not be tolerated in our communities!
Phone numbers for call in:
AFTAH Naperville, IL office (based out of Peter LaBarbera’s house) 1217 Bainbridge Drive, Naperville IL 60563
Phone: (630)546-4439
AFTAH Carol Stream, IL office: 25W560 Geneva Road, Carol Stream, IL 60188
Phone: (630) 462-7882
Christian Liberty Academy: 1-847-385-2012
John King of American Third Position Runs for Jasper School Board President (Part I, II, III)
Taken from HARM:
Jasper residents have quite a choice ahead of them when they head to the polls to choose their School Board President. The choice is between an angry, mentally ill, racist loon who can’t hold down a job and between someone who’s… well… not those things.
Here’s Johnny Boy doing his one man show which I’ve entitled, “I’m a Racist Nutjob”. Johnny gave his performance at the University of Southern Indiana in the wake of the Trayvon Martin murder. His sign reads:
John King is politically active, but not very politically loyal. He’s an active member of the American Third Position, a racist hate group. He also describes himself as a “rabid” supporter of Ron Paul and the Libertarian Party (shocking). He also argued that he has a “lifelong affiliation” with the Republican Party when he tried to sue his way into the RNC delagation earlier this year. He’s also involved with the Sovereign Citizen Movement, which the FBI classifies among domestic terror threats as anti-government extremists. He’s claims he’s done campaign work for his “favorite” political party in the UK, we’re looking into it but I’m gonna take a gamble and say that it’s mos def the BNP or EDL.
John King is also mentally ill. Seriously. Mentally. Ill. Here he is talking about himself [content removed, here's our archived copy] on an online Bipolar Support Group. It’s a long rant, but completely worth reading. In his online diatribe, John basically explains to everyone why he fails at life. Since the synopsis comes straight from the bigot’s mouth, I’ll pull a few quotes to make sure that all the potential conservative voters are aware of exactly who they’re voting for.
“Between VA compensation and SSD I earn about 150% of the average Indiana per capita salary.” That’s right, Johnny the Libertarian not only lives off the government, but is making 50% more than the average Hoosier.
“The Army was a dumb idea when my parents twisted my arm into it when I was younger but I guess I turned a bad experience into a good thing by pursuing disability with the VA. My kids will receive free college education. All student loans have been forgiven. My medical and dental care is free for life. I haven’t needed to work for nearly 10 years. It is great to do what I want, say what I want and have no boss.” I’m so telling Ayn Rand on you…
“24.4% of people in Indiana have a declared psych diagnosis. How many haven’t come for treatment? I like to joke that when we “psych diagnosed people” become the majority in this state (and we are growing as the country goes down the drain) that payback is gonna be a real bitch to the so-called “normal” people who treat us like N-words.” Hmmm… Is that how they treat you Johnny Boy?
“Some people tell me I ought to get a PhD or get a Law Degree. I’m sure I could get myself into these schools. But for what purpose? The bottom line is that SS and the VA say that I am “permanently unemployable”. If my parents had a family business it would work out well for me. If I screamed at people now and then, no problem. But in today’s world of work if you screw up in any way, your butt is out the door.” I’m not sure who’s telling this fool he should do post-graduate work. I’d be more inclined to suggest GED courses. Are all you fiscal conservatives, republicans, and libertarians getting this? He would go get a high-paying job, but what’s the point when Social Security and the Veteran’s Administration say that he’s “permanently unemployable” and doesn’t have to work? He might have to stop randomly screaming at people if he were forced to do the unthinkable and work for a living.
Once again, I would beg anyone thinking about voting for this lunatic to read the entire post. Did you know that WWII was fought so that John King could get a job as a nurse and spew racial hatred at his coworkers? Did you know that even though he’s on permanent disability that John King travels to Europe? John King himself is grateful for his circumstances because “What working stiff could afford that or have the time for it?” Did you know that John King thinks he deserves a ‘D’ in social skills rather than the ‘F’ his “shrink” gave him?
King has worked with to produce some nonsense about the impending white genocide. This YouTube video entitled “White Genocide: Fact or Fiction” shows just how deluded he is and has raised eyebrows in the local news.
John King is mad. Apparently he read our last article focusing on his mental health issues and was not a happy camper. So what does he do? He confirms beyond all reasonable doubt that the poster at the bipolar support group was indeed him by writing a post threatening to sue the support group. Unlike everyone else on that board he decided to not just use his handle but give out his full name and life story on scamming disability for behaviour problems under the guise of mental illness. Here posted this rant and then a copy of our article:
Here’s Johnny Boy doing his one man show which I’ve entitled, “I’m a Racist Nutjob”. Johnny gave his performance at the University of Southern Indiana in the wake of the Trayvon Martin murder. His sign reads:
NO UNIVERSITY FUNDS FOR ANTI-WHITE HATE TRAYVON = NO SAINT ROLE MODEL Just a Ghetto Hoodlum If Obama had a son he would be TrayvonGotta say it. I’m a bit disappointed with the level of effort put into this sign. Only one color of marker (black oddly enough). I put Johnny at about a fourth-grade reading level based on the grammar. There’s not even a picture to grab the eye. Your one-man protest earns a failing grade. Sorry Johnny, doesn’t look like you’re quite ready for college yet.
John King is politically active, but not very politically loyal. He’s an active member of the American Third Position, a racist hate group. He also describes himself as a “rabid” supporter of Ron Paul and the Libertarian Party (shocking). He also argued that he has a “lifelong affiliation” with the Republican Party when he tried to sue his way into the RNC delagation earlier this year. He’s also involved with the Sovereign Citizen Movement, which the FBI classifies among domestic terror threats as anti-government extremists. He’s claims he’s done campaign work for his “favorite” political party in the UK, we’re looking into it but I’m gonna take a gamble and say that it’s mos def the BNP or EDL.
John King is also mentally ill. Seriously. Mentally. Ill. Here he is talking about himself [content removed, here's our archived copy] on an online Bipolar Support Group. It’s a long rant, but completely worth reading. In his online diatribe, John basically explains to everyone why he fails at life. Since the synopsis comes straight from the bigot’s mouth, I’ll pull a few quotes to make sure that all the potential conservative voters are aware of exactly who they’re voting for.
“Between VA compensation and SSD I earn about 150% of the average Indiana per capita salary.” That’s right, Johnny the Libertarian not only lives off the government, but is making 50% more than the average Hoosier.
“The Army was a dumb idea when my parents twisted my arm into it when I was younger but I guess I turned a bad experience into a good thing by pursuing disability with the VA. My kids will receive free college education. All student loans have been forgiven. My medical and dental care is free for life. I haven’t needed to work for nearly 10 years. It is great to do what I want, say what I want and have no boss.” I’m so telling Ayn Rand on you…
“24.4% of people in Indiana have a declared psych diagnosis. How many haven’t come for treatment? I like to joke that when we “psych diagnosed people” become the majority in this state (and we are growing as the country goes down the drain) that payback is gonna be a real bitch to the so-called “normal” people who treat us like N-words.” Hmmm… Is that how they treat you Johnny Boy?
“Some people tell me I ought to get a PhD or get a Law Degree. I’m sure I could get myself into these schools. But for what purpose? The bottom line is that SS and the VA say that I am “permanently unemployable”. If my parents had a family business it would work out well for me. If I screamed at people now and then, no problem. But in today’s world of work if you screw up in any way, your butt is out the door.” I’m not sure who’s telling this fool he should do post-graduate work. I’d be more inclined to suggest GED courses. Are all you fiscal conservatives, republicans, and libertarians getting this? He would go get a high-paying job, but what’s the point when Social Security and the Veteran’s Administration say that he’s “permanently unemployable” and doesn’t have to work? He might have to stop randomly screaming at people if he were forced to do the unthinkable and work for a living.
Once again, I would beg anyone thinking about voting for this lunatic to read the entire post. Did you know that WWII was fought so that John King could get a job as a nurse and spew racial hatred at his coworkers? Did you know that even though he’s on permanent disability that John King travels to Europe? John King himself is grateful for his circumstances because “What working stiff could afford that or have the time for it?” Did you know that John King thinks he deserves a ‘D’ in social skills rather than the ‘F’ his “shrink” gave him?
King has worked with to produce some nonsense about the impending white genocide. This YouTube video entitled “White Genocide: Fact or Fiction” shows just how deluded he is and has raised eyebrows in the local news.
John King is mad. Apparently he read our last article focusing on his mental health issues and was not a happy camper. So what does he do? He confirms beyond all reasonable doubt that the poster at the bipolar support group was indeed him by writing a post threatening to sue the support group. Unlike everyone else on that board he decided to not just use his handle but give out his full name and life story on scamming disability for behaviour problems under the guise of mental illness. Here posted this rant and then a copy of our article:
This is my first visit to this forum since Sept 6, 2010. Recently I have been in a campaign for School Board in my Indiana county. Just a few days ago an article appeared on an Anti-White site known as HARM, Hoosier Anti Racist Movement. This is a violent group which seeks to enforce its beliefs on other people. Currently five of its members are being held in a Chicago prison on multiple felony charges. A certain group known as the Illinois European-American Economic Forum was having a lunch meeting in a upscale restaurant in a Chicago suburb (Tinley Park). In come about 20 masked people with hammers and bats and beat these diners and other unrelated people senseless. Now the same group of “do gooders” have an article about me. They have quotes from me taken from THIS FORUM. Every quote about mental illness was stolen from this site. Following is the article. It’s out there and I think all of you should see how SECURITY at this “Support Group” was breached. I am never going to disclose any personal details here again and I advise you not to do so either or you may face the same fate as me. When there is violence against me or my family If and when there is violence by these terrorists against me or my family (young children) I will be suing this group along with others. I think it’s extremely low class to make fun of someone because of their service connected illness.
Unlike these Anti-Whites who call any sort of pro-White civil rights activism “white supremacism” (which I am definitely not) I actually served this country in uniform.As it turns out, the people in his own support group like him just about as much as we at HARM do. One responder wrote:
And I would imagine you should spend less time worrying about the security of this website and consider the one that just gave me your address and telephone number. Took me less than five minutes. Simperingly easy. Yeah, if you’ve got half a brain then you’ve probably changed your number already, but the point stands: that shit can cause more potential damage to you than anything you’ve written here. By the way, if you haven’t changed your number then you’re even more stupid than I imagine you are. Yeah, I checked you out. Seems you’re all over the internet in a really bad way. And you’re worried about what is said HERE? If you’re too sick to hold down a job, how in the hell are you going to handle the position you’re seeking to win?John King wrote:
24.4% of people in Indiana have a declared psych diagnosis. You drove them to it, didn’t you?John King wrote:
payback is gonna be a real bitch to the so-called “normal” people who treat us like N-words. You know what’s really interesting to me about this? I tell people pretty much straight away that I’m bipolar. Nobody has treated me badly at all. I know it happens, but I really don’t think it’s as widespread as you imagine. Have you ever considered the possibility that at least some are reacting to your demeanor rather than your illness?John King wrote:
This world is so sick.And you could be the damn poster boy. John King wrote:
People ask me what I do for a living.You get up in the morning and prove that, in some cases, abortion should be mandated. John King wrote:
I think it’s extremely low class to make fun of someone because of their service connected illness.Okay, now you’re really a dumbass. I don’t care how many schools or programs you’ve danced with over the years. You need to do some homework. Let me lay this out for you since it’s obviously escaped your attention. BIPOLAR DISORDER DOESN’T COME FROM THE MILITARY; YOU’RE BORN WITH IT. Just because they found it and you got disability doesn’t mean it’s “service-connected”, it just means they figured out you had it. It’s genetic, so if you want to do anything good for your kids, learn to recognize the signs and WATCH THEM. If they need the help, get it for them before they have to suffer too long. The military didn’t create your illness. I spent 12 years in service to this country. I can trace my bipolar disorder all the way back to age six. Docs currently say they can find it as early as seven, but I can see it before that. Anyway, don’t paint the military for your illness, in part or in whole; blame your DNA. John King wrote:
I didn’t fight for your freedom and I didn’t do anything heroic.John King wrote:
I actually served this country in uniform.Ahem, yeah, I think you just said it best. Just grabbed that rope with zeal on that one. Remember to put the knot on the side of your neck and not in the back. You’ve got so much dirt on you that you could start a sandbox company. You’re a racist. I don’t care what bullshit sugar-coated term you like to use. I call it as it is; you’re a sick fucking racist and that’s evident to anyone who reads about you or watches your video or the newscast about you. You’re an oozing, angry, ugly sore on not only the face of America, but the face of the entire human race. [em added]
It’s very rare that I come across someone who is so unstable that I can only imagine that they are, indeed, beyond help. For the protection of the society, you should be in a straitjacket and a padded fucking cell. You are, without doubt, the most fucked-up person I have ever encountered on this site; certainly the only one I have ever had to rebuke so strongly.
I know you think you’re right and that I’m misguided, but I’ve learned enough about this illness to know mania when I see it. You’re delusional, you think you’re greater than everyone else, you’re overly zealous, and you just don’t seem to see it. If you can’t rent out the cell, at least get your damn meds adjusted.
Oh, and you’re fat and ugly, too. Just thought I’d throw that in. And if you’re gonna be in politics, in any manner, get used to people digging into you. It’s a dirty business and if you aren’t able to take it, they’ll skin you alive. Which may not be such a bad thing.
I just emailed HARM and gave them permission to reproduce any portion of this reply that they wish. I did, however, at least say that I could not give them permission to take anything from your post, only from mine. I really hope they fry your sorry ass.DAMN! I think Johnny Boy should be more worried about his support group coming after him than a bunch of law-abiding citizens like HARM. Give John King a call or stop by and ask him why he’s so mad!
John King 161 Schuetter Rd. Jasper IN 47546 (812)827-2289John King III – Johnny’s Rant at the BiPolar Support Group So as you already know, Johnny Boy King is mad. We’re getting a flood of new information about John King as it appears he’s managed to make a bunch of his fellow “activist” friends pretty mad. Mad enough to talk trash to antifa about him. The support group that we pulled all of Johnny’s psych history from is none to happy with Johnny either. The bipolarsupportgroup mods decided they didn’t want their site flooded with traffic over the racist neanderthal John King. They booted him off their site and deleted all his posts. But… just in case you missed it… We saved a copy for your reading pleasure:
Hello everyone! My name is John King. I live in Jasper, Indiana in south-western Indiana. I’m 42 years old. My experience with Bipolar began after my short and aborted time in the Army. I was not a soldier. I worked in an Army hospital. I didn’t fight for your freedom and I didn’t do anything heroic. I was totally unfit and unprepared to be an Army officer. My parents pushed me into applying for an Army scholarship to attend medical school. My parents when I was in college started pushing this medical school idea on me. It didn’t work out. I quit early into my 4th semester. But I still owed the Army time. On my exit physical it was noted that I had an undefined neurosis and that I had received psych help while in uniform. I was rated at 0% compensation. It was not until about 5 years later while in the VA system that a secretary asked me why I had never appealed my 0%. I started down the road of appeals, several. I say that I used my college education (BS, MAEd and grad school) to get where I’m at. Between VA compensation and SSD I earn about 150% of the average Indiana per capita salary.
So, my illness did not kill my earning potential. It just shifted the source. The Army was a dumb idea when my parents twisted my arm into it when I was younger but I guess I turned a bad experience into a good thing by pursuing disability with the VA. My kids will receive free college education. All student loans have been forgiven. My medical and dental care is free for life. I haven’t needed to work for nearly 10 years. It is great to do what I want, say what I want and have no boss. I have an MAEd but I never was able to be a teacher for a day. Without Bipolar I would be a medical doctor now. I’m not saying that would be a good life. But since I’ve done about 9 years of education after high school, if you add it all up, I have feeling of unworth about myself because I don’t have a career. Everybody talks about their career. I have none and I want to build a stone monument in my backyard say “In Memory of the Career I never had.” My parents pushed me into a field that I obviously was not meant for even though my knowledge of the sciences is great. Between my first and second years of medical school I got my first taste (just 2 months) of military service at a major base. I remember this female major with a very masculine voice and demeanor saying “We’re gonna work you hard in our Army hospitals.”. A doctor on base told me that for the first 3 years he worked 90 hours per week. I came back home crazy. I learned more from a student at my school who was a year in front of me. “You think it’s bad now, you wait till you go to an Army hospital” I can’t go into detail but I was messed up from then on. Around 10 years later I got involved in dental school, still trying to get my parents’ approval which I’ve never really received. I lacked the fine motor skills and my bipolar made it impossible. I then got into a nursing school but they canned me on the first day because of my political/religious associations. And they want me to believe that my grandfathers fought in Europe for my freedom. What freedom? This led to a suicide attempt and 2 week stay at a VA hospital. Then my wife (we’ve been married 12 years and have 2 kids) told me it was time to try a new strategy: disability. I have problems finding and keeping friends because my emotional intensity can be very high if I like something or I oppose it. I can’t buy whole life insurance because Indiana allows insurance dealers to reject anyone with psych history without questions. When I was in the Army I was turned down for a top secret clearance just for the reason that I admitted to seeing a psychiatrist on base and receiving anxiety medication. That’s one reason why I do not say the pledge or sing the anthem. And I never missed a day of work in the Army because of my problem. While I may have been inept and undertrained (actually I was put into a job that I had no training for instead of putting me into the job I had received advanced training for). I would still love to do that job to this day, being the head of the records section of a military hospital. But it will never come to pass. 24.4% of people in Indiana have a declared psych diagnosis. How many haven’t come for treatment? I like to joke that when we “psych diagnosed people” become the majority in this state (and we are growing as the country goes down the drain) that payback is gonna be a real bitch to the so-called “normal” people who treat us like N-words. Some people tell me I ought to get a PhD or get a Law Degree. I’m sure I could get myself into these schools. But for what purpose? The bottom line is that SS and the VA say that I am “permanently unemployable”. If my parents had a family business it would work out well for me. If I screamed at people now and then, no problem. But in today’s world of work if you screw up in any way, your butt is out the door. I’m kind of like Quasimodo in the “Hunchback of Notre Dame”. As long as I stay in the “church” (disability) I am safe and get everything I need in abundance. But when I got out in the real world, I’m in for a good beating by the “normal” people.
This world is so sick. The Military takes credit for my illness beginning on their dime. I tell people that I’m a disabled veteran and it gets me nowhere. All this public talk about “Support the troops”. Go to WalMart and buy your cheap yellow ribbon sticker. I’m sick of empty slogans. 1 out of 5 homeless people are veterans. That’s real respect for people who they claim “fought for our freedom” (another empty slogan). Remember, if my grandfathers had been fighting for my freedom in WWII, I would have been allowed to attend Nursing school. Nobody, nowhere, no how fought for my freedom and please don’t write back trying to argue with me on this point. It’s my opinion and it doesn’t affect or infringe on your opinion and life. Thanks. People ask me what I do for a living. I have to just tell them that I’m retired because the average person has no education in psych issues. If they think I’m young for being retired, well, let’s just say I made some good choices when I was younger. This is just camouflage. I am really upset at times that I don’t have this “career”. I worked my but off in school (#13 in high school graduation), had high enough grades in college to get into medical school and grad school (for my worthless MAEd) and later dental school. A shrink once told me he’d give me an A for intellect but a F for social skills. Come on … I said.
Can’t you give me a D. No, you get an F. I’m trying to avoid some of the rotten things my father did when I was growing up. I don’t drink, don’t smoke, unlike my father. I try to spend a lot of time with my kids especially outside during the warm parts of the year. I try to watch my anger with them. Maybe I, looking at my family tree, am the one who is ending the insanity of past generations. But still the lack of friends and the lack of a career will probably bother me as long as I live. I’ll probably outlive my “normal” class mates since my life is low in stress. Several years ago I went to my 20th high school reunion. A class mate of mine had finished the same medical school and gone thru residency. He looked about 10 years older than me and had lost most of his hair. I could tell by looking at his skin that he was an alcoholic. I told him that I was glad that he not I had become a doctor. My position in life besides his its financial perks has other advantages.I’m able to say and write whatever I please. I can even travel independently. I was in London in early May working on the campaign of my favorite party over there. What working stiff could afford that or have the time for it? So, in conclusion, my lfe is a mixed bag. The medications aren’t wonder drugs but they keep me stable around the house in normal situations. But when I get excited (I am a political animal) I’m like a top that was over wound. Any advice you guys and gals can give me on this career thing and finding friends would be much appreaciated. – Archived from Bipolarsupportgroup.netHmmm…. I wonder what political party it was that he was working for over in Britain… I assure you we’ll have more about John King coming in the future.
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