This is just an introduction. View the full version at
For those unfamiliar with the Vinlander Social Club, they describe themselves as a ‘voluntary social fraternity of like-minded men’ whose main initiatives seem less politically oriented and more geared toward the rapid spread of venereal disease, laughable public displays of a group-wide small-man syndrome and the propagation of ill-informed probates who are poorly protected and virtually unequipped in self defense. After Micah was dropped from probate status for being a drug user and ditching the club for a girl, Indiana is down to one pathetic probate named James Turner AKA Grimm. Watch as Grimm shows his peers and superiors just how unaware of his would-be social club’s history he is, how limited his understanding of their ideals is and how incapable he is of making any clear distinction of whether or not he is a white supremacist or not (eventually erring on the side of ignorance, clearly portrayed in conversations with other WP yuckers.)
Meet James “Grimm” Turner.
Below is a prioritized version of his Facebook correspondence ranging from conversations with his VSC superiors to benign, self-contradictory drivel with friends overseas. Throughout, Grimm demonstrates his inability to think for himself, exposes his nauseating sexual health history and his outstanding cowardice shining through his pompous, boasting façade. Also included are profiles of other VSC members, private forum conversations between them and Grimm’s personal email, all so you have a better idea of what a phony Grimm is and just who the boneheads he’s probating with are. Oh…..and we took the liberty of completely cleaning out their forums. Big B’, maybe you should pay more attention in those programming classes.![]()
“Grimm” James Turner
Grimm(Far left) Micah ex-ptobate(bottom left)
VSC probate
2724 fairfield ave
Fort wayne, IN 46807
Works at Champion sports bar and grill 1150 s Harrison st, FT wayne
Primary and secondary sponsors: B and Chad
Date placed on probation: Jan 30th 2011
Download Grimm’s full facebook: mirror 1 mirror 2 mirror 3
Read VSC private forum discussions mirror 1 mirror 2.
Read VSC Handbook 2006 and History(as told by Brien James): mirror 1 or mirror 2
VSC Member Profiles
Allied crews in Indiana(the creeps and Hoosier Nation)
Table Of Contents For Grimms Facebook:
Chapter 1 in which Grimm becomes a probate for the Vinlanders Social Club
Chapter 2: Probate Grimm’s not racist, though, right?
Chapter 3: or is he?
Chapter 4: Grimm talks shit…
Chapter 5: And won’t back it up:
Chapter 6: but gloats all the same…
Chapter 7: although he’s scared shitless of straight-edge crews (and everyone else who may actually throw down)
Chapter 8: Scumbag
Chapter 9: Vinlander STD advice